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  1. Zul

    Still not dead enough!

    Happy new year dear Sonia and Dudes! Best wishes for something you all know what I mean! ;)
  2. Zul

    Mercury Rain call it quits...

    :waah: The choice is made, we just have to respect it... Thanks for everything, for the good time we had on stage (it was short but intensive! :hotjump: ), and behind the scene too! Never forget, and end may hide a new beginnig, sorry if it is not the right english terms! :p Keep in...
  3. Zul

    Now Playing

    Hey Darkstone! You keep this forum alive!! ;) Spiritual Beggars - Ad Astra
  4. Zul

    Mercury Rain - Second Guitarist!

    It must be quite hard to wait each others for hours with strangers at rehearsal time!
  5. Zul

    Mercury Rain - Second Guitarist!

    Oh my God! I can't believe you changed so much since last time I saw you... :hypno: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Exit lights for me...
  6. Zul


    Links updated on my site! ;)
  7. Zul


    Have a look at Entombed for me Sonia, and you'll give me a review next time we meet! Bests for your gig! ;)
  8. Zul

    Mercury Rain - Second Guitarist!

    I'll try not to forget bringing my balls... :grin: ;) Ooups, exit... is it that way? :loco:
  9. Zul

    LEE MCCRORY info

    Woww!! I'm sorry I can't help you, but it might be a really strong nice story! ;) Good luck! Zul.
  10. Zul

    Tales from a Messenger...

  11. Zul

    Tales from a Messenger...

    Yes it will come soon, and I can't stand to wait anymore! Everything goes as we'd like to. We will rock on! For french fans go and have a look at here See ya!
  12. Zul

    Tales from a Messenger...

    ?? :grin:
  13. Zul

    Tales from a Messenger...

    Black absinth maybe? ;)
  14. Zul

    Tales from a Messenger...

    Hi everybody! Just a little thread for those who'd like to know more about this long haired bastard seen on a live video not far from here... :wave: In Memorium I'm not too much off the forum, I hope... I'll finish with a deep fuck to Charlélie Arnaud, journalist at Hard N' Heavy...
  15. Zul

    Now Playing

    Ayreon "The dream Sequencer"
  16. Zul

    'The Messenger' Video Almost finished !

    Hey, hey, who's this beautiful long haired guy on the video? :loco: Really nice to you to keep me on screen! :Spin: The video is really cool. THANX for everything to all of you, yes, once again, I know!!! :wave: See you soon and give some news! Bye and best wishes for this year...
  17. Zul

    Happy XMAS !

    Happy new year, best wishes to everyone! Thanks for things done, thanks for things to come ! Zul & Morti.
  18. Zul

    Welcome to the UK...

    Unfortunately I won't be at Lille... I love to kick some asses !! ;o) Have good rehearsals guys !!! I do too, but alone ....
  19. Zul

    Tour Showtimes

    Don't stay to close in front of me, I may splutter on you ! :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :blush: :blush: :grin: :grin: :grin:
  20. Zul

    Tour Showtimes

    :hotjump: :hotjump: So proud to serve you my Lord.... :worship: But please just call me Zul... See ya soon !! :wave: :hotjump: :hotjump: