Search results

  1. N

    Looking for some stuff from Dan's old site

    Yup, both Dan and Dag have stated on more than one occasion that they mostly just want their holy word spread to every corner of the globe, including people's nether regions!
  2. N

    Preview from hell with fire. Hear the new track "Forevermore"

  3. N

    New Nightingale album 'Retribution'

    Yesssssssss ROCK TONIGHT
  4. N

    Dan Swanö Haikus

    This indeed is one of the greatest threads in heavy metal / rock history. I'm not writing this as a haiku SORRY GUYS
  5. N

    Best DT album. (V2.0.)

    Listened to Science of Noise last night on CM youtube, and then a friend got it and let me give it a few whirls on her ipod. Gonna say, on first listen, I like it a lot. WATV and Construct definitely hit that "distinct" sound spot that makes me curious about listening to songs over and over...
  6. N

    Brand new 2013 demo from Torture Division!

    Thank you so much, papi. You're my pissin'-all-over-you hero of the universe. Keep it heavy, awww yeah.
  7. N

    Best DT album. (V2.0.)

    Haven's one of their most unique albums. But the production/sound is not the greatest (although much better than the seemingly muffled Mind's I). I think it's one of their best three or four albums. But, to me, they have not released anything as mind-blowing as the Gallery... although, I...
  8. N

    Brand new 2013 demo from Torture Division!

    Fucken fuck yeah, motherfucker. I am so fucken hard right now.
  9. N


    Man, of course my wallet is broken. WHEN I OPEN IT MONEY NO LONGER APPEARS. NONE OF THE CARDS INSIDE CAN ACTUALLY PURCHASE STUFF, EITHER. I think I need a new wallet.
  10. N

    Your thoughts on the Martin Henriksson takeover

    How the fuck did miss this flame war? Musicians are human beings and professionals. Work-related disagreements can lead to personal conflict, but since work disagreements are legion in any profession 99% of them don't come to anything. So it's unlikely that disagreements over music led to any...
  11. N


    If I wasn't broke at the moment (more like always, it seems), I'd go catch you guys in London. Can't fucking wait for North American tour.
  12. N


    That drum machine was named "Ole Ohman," if I recall. Fucking brutal, amazing album. Percussion was maniacal. Shame that Jon Nodtveidt turned out to be an actual maniac and neo-nazi. That band should have challenged Emperor for the best black metal band of the 1990s. Goes to show how racism...
  13. N

    Best DT album. (V2.0.)

    The answer to this poll should always be the Gallery, anyway. =)
  14. N

    Brand new 2013 demo from Torture Division!

    Worry not, my lovely Lord of K, even when I don't post, I am here. Loving you, from afar. So long as you give me more Torture Division.
  15. N

    Help with more copies of Nightfall Overture!

    Too bad that facebook is the only place he'll get it done. Or kickstarter? Kickstarter might work. UM SURE AS HELL WON'T DO, LOL
  16. N

    Brand new Torture Division tune available at

    Fucken fuckity fuck yeah. Rock and roll LIVES.
  17. N

    Newly Mastered Crimson I/II Vinyl!

    I will give you an ear boner, I assure you
  18. N


    Weird. That's some sort of admin block on your account. Probably accidental, unless you spammed tranny porn on unofficial In Flames forum.
  19. N

    Love of Live (part två)

    Ahehehe I've seen Vortex play / sing before, but with Demon Burger =) Still, super jealous, bro
  20. N

    Love of Live (part två)

    Holy fucking shit you're going to see motherfucking Arcturus FUCK