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  1. Nefarious_

    Kveldssanger lyrics

    Yeah I searched the jester boards too, I didn't find anything. :(
  2. Nefarious_

    MSRCAST Episode 3 features Ulver

    Awesome, thanks for the linkage :)
  3. Nefarious_

    Kveldssanger lyrics

    Does anyone know where I can find an English translation for the lyrics to Kveldssanger? Or even a complete version of the Norwegian lyrics? I'm particularly interested in the track Ulvsblakk, I found a partial translation about a year ago (I can't find it now) and it seemed really interesting.
  4. Nefarious_

    Garm Sideproject I just discovered...

    I was like 13 when I was in my first band. 16 when I was in my first good band.
  5. Nefarious_

    Garm Sideproject I just discovered...

    Garm has myspace? heh, I find that funny for some reason. Yeah i'll definitely be checking this out, Kris seems to have some kind of musical midas touch with pretty much every genre he's experimented in. Heh, he's a Zappa fan, for some reason that doesn't surprise me :grin:
  6. Nefarious_

    How many of you have 'Blood Inside' as your album of the year?

    New arcturus album sounds kinda like oldschool borknagar to me, but darker and more artsy.
  7. Nefarious_

    Where will Ulver go next?

    I saw a documentary on John Zorn once, that guy is fucking nuts. There's a lot of people that Ulver could collaborate with, but I remember reading somewhere that they prefer to have as few people involved as possible with the writing process, in order to keep it true to their visions and ideas...
  8. Nefarious_

    Where will Ulver go next?

    Yeah I saw the Live8 gig, I was really pissed off that they only did four songs. I don't know what it was that made me think of Pink Floyd when I listen to Blood Inside, I think maybe it's all the vintage synth sounds and stuff.
  9. Nefarious_

    Where will Ulver go next?

    As we know with Ulver, it's almost impossible to predict the future by looking at the past, but I wanted to hear some ideas on what direction they could possibly go in after the monumental Blood Inside. So what do you guys think? Personally I think they might get a bit more jazzy. There was a...
  10. Nefarious_

    Favorite Ulver album?

    I dunno what to pick, I really like their glitchy minimalistic stuff, but Blood Inside is good too, ooh and Kveldssanger, can't forget that one. I think i'll go with kveldssanger, but it could just as easily have been any of the others.
  11. Nefarious_

    whats the heaviest amp out there?

    Anything Engl, peavey 5150, but only the mark 1, mark 2's are shit.
  12. Nefarious_

    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    I said he's NOT a bad player, you even quoted me, I would have thought you'd read what you were quoting. Jackass...
  13. Nefarious_

    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    He's not a bad player, but the whole modelling his life on Paganini thing sucks, and he's a cheesey 80's relic Meatloaf look-a-like
  14. Nefarious_

    Recording metal vocals

    Thanks, that pretty much makes sense, but on the recording my voice is at the top of the mix as well (it's too loud in my opinion) The whole breathing issue is something I (stupidly) hadn't really thought about, I will take that into account in the next recording session. Also, I thought the...
  15. Nefarious_

    Recording metal vocals

    My band is currently recording a demo, and I'm the vocalist. I do mid to high-pitched screams, and it sounds fine in a rehearsal room through a PA. As soon as we start to record them though, they sound like shit, just really pussy and unproffesional. How can I help to emulate a live setting...
  16. Nefarious_

    Technically Advanced Black Metal

    Black metal is not about technicality at all, although a 'technical blackmetal' subgenre is kinda starting to form. For me, real understanding of what blackmetal truly is only came once I heard Darkthrone's 'Transylvanian Hunger'. TH is like raw alcohol, it's pure, minimal, and will eventually...
  17. Nefarious_

    bass tone wood

    I think you're right about mahogany, most Gibsons are mahogany, but the wood makes about 5% difference to the sound in all honesty. I know quite a few manufacturers use bubinga as a body wood, not too sure on it's supposed properties though. If you want clear low-end, them make sure the bass...
  18. Nefarious_

    Jackson for Black Metal?

    Jackson is untr00. You should craft yourself a guitar from the twisted wood of the oldest tree in all the norwegian forests, and then kill a member of another blackmetal band with it and use the left-over wood to set some churches on fire. Then and ONLY then will it be kvlt, tr00, kreig and...
  19. Nefarious_

    Black metal vocals

    hmmm...I think I know the gag reflex you're on about. I think you can generally avoid this by warming up, having something to drink, and not straining so much from the throat, try to do more work with the diaphragm instead. You may also have your tongue too far back in your throat, that...
  20. Nefarious_

    Black metal vocals

    OK, I've been doing BM style vocals for about a year and a half now and people have asked me how I do it. I have always replied that I really can't explain the technique, it just happens, and it isn't painful. However, I recently found this at