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  1. noble savage

    Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

    Any plans to stock the new Tusmorke album? It apparently has some of the members of Wobbler in it - which explains why I have been able to stop listening to the free stream of it for the past few hours!
  2. noble savage

    Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

    Thanks for the reply! I knew you ran the Sensory label, so I figured it would have just have been a matter of doing another print run of it. Oh well, no big deal. I'll just have to keep an eye out on Amazon, Ebay etc. Hell, that kind of makes it more fun!
  3. noble savage

    Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

    Hi Ken, I was wondering if you had any plans to restock the first Gordian Knot album? I have been trying to hunt down a copy for a long time, but it seems to be out of print. The copies that are for sale are used and people are asking an extremely high price for them! Also, is it possible for...
  4. noble savage

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Wow..:( Threshold (Especially Hypothetical) were one of the few prog-metal bands that I actually enjoyed. I'm very sad to hear this.
  5. noble savage

    Your last purchase??

    Wobbler - Rites at Dawn
  6. noble savage


    Awesome book! I definitely think that it is the best "social" science fiction book ever written - way better than Dune, in my opinion.
  7. noble savage


    I have a copy of Shadow & Claw that needs to be read soon! Currently reworking my way through Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion. Incredible! I think after that I'm going to start reading Iain M. Banks' Surface Detail. Hopefully by then Embassytown will be released!
  8. noble savage

    Your last purchase??

    If that's the same Paul Wardingham from The Collins/Wardingham Project, I'm going to have to pick up a copy!
  9. noble savage

    Your Top 25 Favorite Albums Thread

    I have actually always loved the lyric: "And if a bird can speak, who once was a dinosaur and a dog can dream, should it be implausible that a man might supervise the construction of light?" Strange album. Although I do get a kick out of ProzaKc Blues. On topic: I realized that I didn't...
  10. noble savage

    Your Top 25 Favorite Albums Thread

    Okay, here goes... 25) Exivious - Self Titled 24) Spock's Beard - The Kindness of Strangers 23) The Flower Kings - Unfold The Future 22) The Tangent - The World That We Drive Through 21) Tri Offensive - Self Titled 20) Ayreon - The Human Equation 19) Meshuggah - Nothing 18) On The Virg -...
  11. noble savage

    What are you learning?

    Definitely, although I don't take the time to write out the rhythm - the tabs are generally just so that I don't forget! I get a few PM's a month on the Planet X message board asking for transcriptions, so I uploaded some random (Mostly incomplete) stuff that I had on my hard-drive...
  12. noble savage

    What are you learning?

    Just finished transcribing the groovy solo (at about 3:50) in Holdsworth's 16 Men of Tain. I really love this song!
  13. noble savage

    Official Off Topic Thread

    @ Kenneth R. and any other China Mieville fans here: Kind of OT, but I just read that China Mieville has a new book called Embassy Town coming out in a few weeks. The plot sounds extremely interesting!
  14. noble savage

    [New Project] Mike Portnoy starts work with Russell Allen

    The drums on Satriani's albums are actually what made me stop listening to him. He did some fairly groundbreaking stuff guitar wise, but those fucking drums. Ugghh...
  15. noble savage

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Same here! Can't say that I have been really impressed with it. The albums I'm really looking forward to this year are: Anglagard, Anekdoten, Wobbler and Derek Sherinian. Looks like it may be the best year for music releases ever!
  16. noble savage

    [New Project] Mike Portnoy starts work with Russell Allen

    I have nothing really to add to this other than it made me laugh for about 5 minutes straight. Portnoy does have a family to feed, so I guess this explains the recent flood of side projects. Hopefully some of them will be good!
  17. noble savage

    Your last purchase??

    Nice bass, Dan! Just looking at it is motivation to practice! I finally broke down and bought an Amazon Kindle this morning with some left over gift card money. It took a year of hard contemplation, but it will hopefully be money well spent - especially because it reads PDF's so I won't burn my...
  18. noble savage

    What is your favorite prog rock band? (no prog metal here)

    I'm actually disappointed to say that I could never really get into them. However, End of the Rope off of Keyholder is, oddly enough, one of my favorite "prog" songs.
  19. noble savage

    Your last purchase??

    Eraserhead The Complete Metropolis The Ego Tunnel - Thomas Metzinger Terminal World - Alastair Reynolds Xeelee: An Omnibus and Vacuum Diagrams - Stephen Baxter
  20. noble savage

    News about the CD

    I would guess that it is some combination of recording length (CD's hold double what a vinyl does) and the market to some extent. Anyway, regardless of the issue's with promoting/updating the progress of this CD, I'm still really excited for it - there's not too many prog metal bands that I...