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  1. kayleigh copeland

    happy birthday eric dude \m/

    Have a boss one!! :)
  2. kayleigh copeland

    I noticed this on wiki,so I dunno if its legit....

    Apparently,the album will probably never be completed which I really hope isnt the case(itd be a shame and a waste!) It says near the bottom peeps! :waah:
  3. kayleigh copeland

    Heres I cool video I found on youtube its more or less about lemmy and dave grohl BUT

    apparently chuck and dave groul wanna make a record? Cool as fuck me think haha :p
  4. kayleigh copeland

    Happy 6 years on ultimate metal people!! ftw \m/

    and its still as cool as hell,been on here since i was like 15 or summit mad like that! :kickass: how long has everyone else been on peeps? :muahaha::muahaha:
  5. kayleigh copeland

    Random as im bored:people randomly voted RATM for a number one why dont....

    us people attempt to vote/buy/etc a band thats cool like testament or whatever etc to do the same there are bands who have been going alot longer who deserve it just as much and i think it would be cool to bring metal back in the charts(Im from the uk btw its mainly mainstream crap these days)...
  6. kayleigh copeland

    Howdy :p

    i was just wondering what peoples views where on these female metal/female fronted bands as I cant seem to see them mentioned on here. Kittie,arch enemy,girlschool,vixen,Oh and the great ka:Shedevil::loco:t! I personally like these bands but am just curious to know i guess!
  7. kayleigh copeland

    Are dragonlord still going?

    im just curious as ive not seen like new shows or pics whatever really. I know testament are touring loads so that may be why,I just hope dragonlord wont be forgotten about itd be a hell of a shame :/ Anyone know out?:rock:
  8. kayleigh copeland

    DRAGONLORD or.........TESTAMENT!!!!!

    Id like to know what people think lol!!! I like dragonlors lyrics better BUT prefer testament's music<hows that for being awkward LOL!!:rock:
  9. kayleigh copeland

    I really believe Dragonlord should should tour england etc!!

    :rock:I got asked if I thought it was too late and I dont just thought I would share my opinion,nearly 6 months later god thats flew fast!:Smokedev:
  10. kayleigh copeland

    Where the hell is the DRagonlord website gone????

    Seriously its not there....why?
  11. kayleigh copeland

    Happy birthday eric in 3 days!!!LOL

    Happy bday!
  12. kayleigh copeland

    Can't f**kin believe this!!!!!!!

    Bloodstock dates have been took off everywhere for testament!!! Whats goin on people??????
  13. kayleigh copeland

    How long do the tshirts usually take of the web?

    It doesnt say on me recipt thing!!!
  14. kayleigh copeland


    Testament playing....HERE!!!???? 07/06 - Bloodstock Fest: Derby, England
  15. kayleigh copeland

    Does anyone like "The Great Kat" or Jack daisy?

    Just wondering...:)
  16. kayleigh copeland

    I didnt know eric broke his leg!

    Google Image Result for
  17. kayleigh copeland

    Happy new year people!!

    Have a good new year everyone?
  18. kayleigh copeland

    Happy new year people!!

  19. kayleigh copeland

    Dragonlord radio!!!!!

    DRAGONLORD ON PANDORA!! Click on it!!
  20. kayleigh copeland

    Have a good chrimbo peeps!!