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  1. Metal Reigns

    Statement on a new Age of Silence album

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA How old is that pic? He looks much younger than he would be if he were still alive. LOL!!!
  2. Metal Reigns

    Statement on a new Age of Silence album

    I believe Kip Winger died of AIDS from a 17 yr old boy. Or at least that is what I heard.
  3. Metal Reigns

    The Official King Diamond Thread

    Yea man. That is no problem. All I ask is that you advertise it as done by Metal and that is just fine with me bro. Good looking site by the way. I love Diamond. Here is the direct url for the interview. Let me know if you would like to...
  4. Metal Reigns

    The Official King Diamond Thread

    I have to agree with all parties here. King is one of my fav musicians of all-time. His voice and lyrical content always are killer and Andy is amazing. Hard to like Fate over Diamond and vise versa. Both are quite different bands and make killer music. ALL HAIL THE KING!! Here is an audio...
  5. Metal Reigns

    AOS & Winds Interviews

    I hope you enjoy them. All very cool guys to speak with.
  6. Metal Reigns

    Mark Briody Interview Now Online

    Yea I have to agree man. King makes for a great interview. Everytime I talk with him he amazes me how detailed he gets with his answers. A very educated guy and it clearly shows in his music and when he speaks.
  7. Metal Reigns

    Our Forum is Dying............

    Damn bro that sucks!! Have to start doing more promotion. We really should try and see if we can get the show played on your station bro. Might help both of us since the show is now on 6 different stations and getting a real good following. Just an idea man. Take care bro and all the best.
  8. Metal Reigns

    New Audio Interviews Posted

    Hey everyone. Just a quick shout to let you know I have posted some new interviews in audio format if you care to take a listen. Quite a wide variety of musical genre's. Just follow the link below if you care to take a listen. -Andy Winter & Hellhammer -Age Of Silence -Aphazel Of Ancient...
  9. Metal Reigns

    New Audio Interviews Posted

    Hey everyone. Just a quick shout to let you know I have posted some new interviews in audio format if you care to take a listen. Quite a wide variety of musical genre's. Just follow the link below if you care to take a listen. Let me know what you think and who you would like to be interviewed...
  10. Metal Reigns

    Behemoth's Demigod album.. Yay or nay??

    I think this album smokes. Full of killer musicianship and at the end of the day. That is what it's all about. Total fucking death metal. Speed and brutality.
  11. Metal Reigns

    AOS & Winds Interviews

    Well guy's. Sorry for taking so long to post these interviews, but life has been pretty hectic over the last couple of months and I have finally posted the interviews with Andy & Lars and with Andy and Hellhammer. If you care to listen to them just follow the link below. Hope you enjoy them...
  12. Metal Reigns

    Top 5 Albums of The Year?

    Yea we all have different opinions but those are what did the most for me of what I heard over the past year. An interesting list to say the least, but filled with variety and many unexpected as you stated.
  13. Metal Reigns

    Statement on a new Age of Silence album

    I have to concur with my fellow metalheads. We are looking forward to seeing what new direction Age Of Silence brings forth. As we are looking forward to the new Winds. Both are great bands and I am sure all of us will here will enjoy listening to them both.
  14. Metal Reigns

    Mark Briody Interview Now Online

    This is just a quick shout to let all you Jag fans know I have put Mark's interview on the site now in audio format. If you care to take a listen just follow the link. Thanks!!
  15. Metal Reigns

    Top 5 Albums of The Year?

    Well I have finally made the top 25 of 2004 for my web site. Damn was that a tough thing to put together, Back and forth, back and forth. Now it is done. If you care to take a peek here it is. I am sure many will be surprised or pissed. One way or the other. :)
  16. Metal Reigns

    New Year's Update on the New Album

    Damn!! So many talented musicians and so little time. I can't wait for both the AOS and Winds CD's. Time consuming is ok as I am sure it will be quite worth it. Hellhammer has so many things I am sure he is keeping busy and all his projects will be done in due time. Can't wait!! Thanks for the...
  17. Metal Reigns

    Happy New Years

    HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL YOU METALHEADS!!! It was a great year. One of the best I can remember in a long time. Hopefully this year will be just as good or better. We are closer to death. With each passing moment. Some sooner than others. :)
  18. Metal Reigns

    Post your TOP 2004 Album Releases!!

    Hmmmmmm. Well I have my Top 25 of the year posted on the site. I am sure most of you will be quite surprised or pissed. LOL!!
  19. Metal Reigns

    NATE! did you cut your hair...

    Hey Nate. I hope things are well with you bro and good luck with the new promotion and all of us will miss you in the band. If you ever get back to vegas bro let me know and we will party our asses off. John. No sweat bro. I know you have alot on your plate right now so no worries man. When...
  20. Metal Reigns

    Anyone interested in recording project?

    Well guy's it the first of the year. Happy Fuckin New Year!! First off I will entertain anyone interested in doing the project. Although you should be somewhat of a decent player, but even those not very good can still contribute. A guitar line or a vocal line or whatever. Here is a list of...