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  1. SueNC

    Internet radio

    anybody else know of online metal radio stations? i know they're out there. i just dont know how many or where to find them all. a few weeks ago a Christian metalhead turned me on to Dead to Self radio and i keep the page pulled up on my computer all the time, now. EXCELLENT station!! they...
  2. SueNC

    Start a rumor here...

    I heard Billy joined a hippie commune and is currently chained to a tree somewhere in Oregon, protesting the destruction of the mating grounds of the Red-bellied Skink.
  3. SueNC

    So, what have YOU been up to?

    yes... i'm alive. been WAYYYYY busy trying to finish up Nursing school, but i thought i'd pop in today, look around and say 'hiya' to any stragglers that might be still hanging around.
  4. SueNC


    This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 .... NOW figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it should EQUAL TO 111.
  5. SueNC

    Picture thread

    we need to get some active participation going on this board, again! Let's start a members' picture thread. even if you dont have anything to talk about, you can post a pic, so at least we know everybody isnt dead. here's one of me taken last week [Aug. 23]. it's blurry, because it's a cell...
  6. SueNC

    R.I.P. Peter Steele
  7. SueNC

    Guarding my house

    as i was leaving for work tonight [i work from 7pm to 7am], i opened the door and was met by some chick i'd never seen before. she was asking me for a ride into town. without thinking, i just told her i wasnt going into town, i was going to work. she then asked if she could use my phone to call...
  8. SueNC

    Iron Man 2... OH YEAH!!!

    it looks good! Mickey Roarke is in as 'Whiplash' and Scarlett Johannsen is 'Black Widow.' Don Cheadle took over Terrance Howard's role and he'll play 'War Machine.'...
  9. SueNC


    Hope it's starting out great for you all.
  10. SueNC


    for those of you who still bother to check in [and for those who've seemingly dropped off the face of the planet, as well]. hope you're all enjoying your day.
  11. SueNC

    New Alice in Chains

    i've seen them live with the new vocalist and he did a good job [though i think Jerry Cantrell carries most of the music to preserve the AinC sound]. the new album is out and if this first release is any indicator, it's time to go to the cd store. :rock:
  12. SueNC

    Heavy Metal Kitty

  13. SueNC

    A message from Obama's teleprompter

  14. SueNC

    I love my entitlement attitude

    kudos to the radio guy here. i dont know if i should scream or laugh over this...
  15. SueNC

    'Cool' moms

    i'm not one.
  16. SueNC

    Give me your opinion...

    instead of getting reamed by a body shop somewhere, i'm planning on ordering a new hood for my car, myself. check this out and tell me if this seems like a good deal to you...
  17. SueNC

    Last movie watched?

    i took a half-night off last night for my birthday. well, not actually FOR my birthday. i needed to study for a lab exam i have this morning and i used my b-day as an excuse. so that the night wouldnt be a total waste, i had Netflix [let me reiterate how ABSOLUTELY COOL Netflix is] send me...
  18. SueNC


    ok... why is nobody talking about this movie, yet? am i truly the only comic book/graphic novel geek here?? i just got in from seeing this movie for the 2nd time. if you're familiar with the graphic novel, you'll definitely love the movie. if you're not, you'll want to get familiar with it...
  19. SueNC

    Can we toss B. Hussein and let Keyes be our first black prez?

    i wish.
  20. SueNC

    Child abuse

    if you're going to neglect the health of your children by letting them get this big at a young age, at least dont post videos of them dancing to lame tunes on the web.