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  1. D


    Heh heh heh, silly me, in my sleep-deprived state, I forgot about the literal meaning of the word "organic". Apologies.
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    amf...sadly, here we have to differentiate between food that is grown naturally and food prepared in factories rarely containing an ingredient found in nature. Even more sad is that the "fake" foods are more readily available and cheaper.
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    Any of you in a band?

    I am in several different bands at the moment. Metadox ( ), which I recently joined (3 weeks!). We are more of a traditional Heavy Metal band with modern influences. Also, my Black Metal band, Tyrant, is gathering steam and hopes to record soon. Other projects...
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    they've got tons of uses so i'll say yes!
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    Day Jobs?

    That's what I thought but I wasn't sure considering the amount of projects the Borkmembers had going. ::shrugs:: Lazare, I would love to see footage of you on the news. It would be a real trip.
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    Day Jobs?

    Hey there, I was curious if any of the members of the band had "day jobs" (ie. work in something other than music). If so, what field? I'm also curious about forum members who happen to be musicians. I myself am in the telcommunications field for a cellular phone company but play in...
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    Borknagar or Vintersorg, who started it? Poll

    Strangely enough, I found out about Borknagar because of a search I did for Tyr. I wanted to see what other bands he played in. Then I found out Mr. V was singing for them. I had already heard Vintersorg a year earlier.