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  1. toinouf

    Vivaldi Tribute 2010

    oh thank you
  2. toinouf

    Vivaldi Tribute 2010

    I post it here for your appreciation: ...Enjoy!!
  3. toinouf

    Andy DeLuca's (ex-Symphony X bass player) latest project, freely listenable here for those who don't know, Andy was the bass player for Symphony X on the very 1st tour they've made in Europe (in '98), replacing Thomas Miller. He was very young at the time. Today he plays with such great guitarists as Michael...
  4. toinouf

    New guitar tab - The End of Innocence

    "The End Of Innocence" guitar tab in guitar pro format is now available here: Ultimate Tab 911Tabs (to XSTmusic: I was simply waiting for those sites to publish it before to give it away)
  5. toinouf

    New guitar tab - The End of Innocence

    ouch, they won't let me take a rest, I've just seen that a new tune is online! "Dehumanized"... :loco:
  6. toinouf

    New guitar tab - The End of Innocence

    Hello everyone, Here is my latest transcription work: The End of Innocence (full song, guitars only) Enjoy! Tony C
  7. toinouf

    Which North American show(s) will you be attending? [2 of 2]

    Ah ok, I re-send it right now, thank you Jax!
  8. toinouf

    Which North American show(s) will you be attending? [2 of 2]

    Hi everyone, sorry to interfere with the topic... Hey Jax I've sent a mail to you 2 weeks ago, have you received it? It was about my tabs. Perhaps I've sent it to a wrong adress? :( Please let me know! regards, AS
  9. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    a new cloning test today... the 'Trail Of Tears' 1st solo: original version my humble attempt ...Feel free to comment! any good advice is welcome. :kickass:
  10. toinouf

    My new MJR Signature model...

    Hey guys, look at my all new MJR signature guitar, (of course this is a one-of-a-kind model): ...groovy isn't it?
  11. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    Edit: ok, I've just sent you a FB message.
  12. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    Cool man! :kickass:
  13. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    why? would you be interested to adopt a little baby Murph'? lol :p
  14. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    Heyyy! here is the man himself! glad to have your comment James. I've also used a tubescreamer on that one... would be curious to know your settings on that pedal... but perhaps it's a trademark secret, I can understand if you don't want to share this. by the way, I've tried to send you a...
  15. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    I have re-listened to my recordings this morning, and I've also found that my tone have some kind of... brightness perhaps? more than Murphy's tone. to my ears it seems (unfortunately) more Yngve-like. I think it may come from the way I have set my overdrive pedal...? ...any opinion guys?
  16. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    Oh sorry, I didn't know about the existence of the "rate my mix" section. maybe some moderator could move my topic? I agree with you, the Marshall is closer, and you're also right about the delay mix being too loud. but that one is easy to correct. in fact, my main problem with this tone...
  17. toinouf

    Cloning James Murphy?

    Hello Guys, Soon I have to record an original song for a CD compilation, and for that song I though it would be a good idea to have a tone like James Murphy's. so today I've been through the pre-production process. to see how close (or how far...) I could sound to James' tone, I've quickly...
  18. toinouf

    What did james murphy use on LOW?

    Hey I hope everyone has spent some good holidays here...
  19. toinouf

    What did james murphy use on LOW?

    Hello, oui en effet bin tu sais quoi mon Rev G vient de tomber en panne chui dég! à peine 2h de jeu dessus depuis que je l'ai, ça craint quoi... EDIT: ouf apparemment ce ne serait que le fusible... il a du souffrir du transport
  20. toinouf

    What did you get for christmas gear wise?

    Mesa Rev G! but it's not really a gift, I've paid it myself and I saved money for a quite long time to purchase it...