Search results

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    Piano, and Violin

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    Ronda Alla Turca Question?

    Powertab file:
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    Question about Jag Panzer!
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    Classical songs

    This is a great site for classical guitar tablature. Classical Guitar Tablature
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    Modes/Scales that remind you of particular artist

    Phrygian is definately one that's used alot in metal, along with "harmonic minor" as you mentioned.:rock: I really love that Lydian sound alot when used in a certain way and also melodic minor; specifically that "altered" sound. Another player that comes to mind that really leans...
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    new thread for everybody

    Dude, it's about freekin' time you registered on the Broderick forum!:kickass: Since Chris' gonna be gone on tour, this will be our new way of bugging the hell out of him!:lol: Don't forget you still need to teach me those arpeggios you showed me on Friday.:rock:
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    Hey All you guitarded people!!!!!!

    Ah yes, Mr. Broderick, I see your shredding people's faces off once again. :zombie: :grin: Very nice! The "jazz-slap" turned out really cool.
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    Betcha can't play this.

    :OMG: That's it Chris, I'm quiting guitar. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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    For all you Petrucci fans...

    Here's an awsome video of several Liquid Tension Experiment songs. It's an incredible performance!:notworthy Enjoy, Drewski
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    Video, photos and more of Chris and Nevermore!!!!!

    Awsome stuff!!! Chris kicks so much ass it's scary.:rock:
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    How often does Jeff Loomis call you?

    He actually just called me a couple of days ago begging me for guitar lessons!:worship: :grin:
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    Chris Broderick's top 3 albums (2005)

    +1 Ghost Reveries is pretty damn good as well.
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    Blind Faith Unison

    Yup, that would be me spamming all the message boards:grin: . Thanks! That's an awsome pic of JP by the way.:rock:
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    Blind Faith Unison

    My recording of the guitar/keyboard unison in Dream Theater's "Blind Faith". Blind Faith Blind Faith
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    Help with left hand

    Hey Kohlrabihaus, I've never had this problem so I don't really have a perfect solution to it. Chris is classically trained so you'll pretty much always see him using "proper" fingerings. Most of the time I play on my left leg (classical style) because it makes certain things easier to play...
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    Hey Everyone Check this out!!!!

    Have a good and safe trip Chris. I'll see you in two weeks. Oh man...I just realized that now I have nothing to look forward to next week.:confused: Take care, Drewski
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    recovering after an operation

    Good luck Carline, I wish you the best.:)
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    Hey Everyone Check this out!!!!

    Hahahaha!!!:grin: Hey you are, afterall, the one that makes him look like a big rock star on his site.;)
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    Hey Everyone Check this out!!!!

    Hey Chris, I had a blast in today's lesson. It was VERY cool to finally meet you and talk to you in person. It's funny cause I actually had alot more questions to ask you but I was completely dumbfounded that I forgot(hahaha). I got your email and I'll start working on different...
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    Hey Everyone Check this out!!!!

    Chris, I forgot to ask: what room are you in for open counceling? Thanks, Drewski