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  1. PoolePaul

    Anthrax doing another yet tour playing Among the Living in full

    Personally one of my fav albums, so I have no probs. Also I'm taking my 15yo son along (his first concert experience), so will be awesome for him to hear the older stuff live. I'm also hoping this makes up for me ducking out of his 4th birthday years ago to see them in Dublin in 2005.
  2. PoolePaul

    If I Had A Baby...

    If I had first would be born on May 4th (Star Wars Day), and he would be called Luke....Second kid would be called Ben Kenobi....OH shit...Looks like Ive done both...
  3. PoolePaul

    Is it just me or are meet and greets a rip off??

    Totally get ya...Paying money to meet someone that you have already paid shit loads of cash to, to watch them play/listen etc etc...It's bullshit...Would be a cool pic to get, but fuck putting money in pockets for the privileged...Nah
  4. PoolePaul

    Is it just me or are meet and greets a rip off??

    Right...Haven't posted for a while. I got tix to see Anthrax and Motorhead on my 40th next month. Would be cool to meet up with the bands and have a few pix taken, only way that this will happen is if I spend MORE money on meet and greets....I personally think that this is a complete fucking rip...
  5. PoolePaul

    Motorhead / Anthrax UK tour

    Motorhead AND Anthrax playing my shitty ass town on my 40th????....My head nearly exploded :rock:
  6. PoolePaul

    Open letter to John Bush

    John Bush this/Joey Belladonna that....BLAH DI FUCKIN BLAH BLAH BLAH...John sounds great on blah blah blah, Joey blah blah blah, fuckin derp de derpty derp....seriously STFU....theres my thoughts on it all...Goodnight ladies and genitals...Rant over
  7. PoolePaul

    Joey sings Rush

    I think John Bush would have sung it better................HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....theres some food for the Joey/John bashers/haters....Wait a second....That was a joke...."Humour"...look it up in the dictionary sometime....Peace
  8. PoolePaul


    Just thought Id add my 2 cents to the John/Joey argument..................FUCKING YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. PoolePaul


    is it me or does every new Slayer album seem to sound the same......but then again after further analysis,......I decided....if it aint broken dont fix it...Slayer will always rule...they can put out the same album year after year (I think they have)....but they still kick more ass than an ass...
  10. PoolePaul

    Faith No More - fuck yes!

    I am so friggin going to see them!!!!!! YES:rock:
  11. PoolePaul

    My Wife turns 40 today....

    what u should have done mate is buy her a pair of slippers and a dildo.....if she dont like the slippers she can go fuck
  12. PoolePaul

    death magnetic

    have to admit....ive been slaggin em off for years and years....but remained quietly confident they would put out something half decent soon...this album grows on u like a rash...the more u listen...the better it gets...but lars is still a whiney prick
  13. PoolePaul

    new messhugah

    wow...really good cd...totally fucking rules...i love the diff time sigs...throws it right off....highly recommended
  14. PoolePaul

    Other bands play - Manowar kills!

    dethklok is manowar....end of...if u dont see the are dumb
  15. PoolePaul

    Metallica shreds.

    So true Col, What sort of idiot judges a counrty in the stuff he has read in the IRA statement...just proves what a prick he is...I went to Dublin last year (or maybe the year before...its hard to remember after having a few "quiet" beers with the locals....Best place I have...
  16. PoolePaul

    Metallica shreds.

    Cheers Col...made my day
  17. PoolePaul

    Anselmo on HBB

    anyone have the link for this??? Cheers
  18. PoolePaul

    Daredevil Evel Knievel dies at 69

  19. PoolePaul announces Anthrax in talks with....

    I dont really give a shit what they do now.....its apparent that they are really clutchin at straws now to get a new vocalist....who cares.....I barely even come by here now to hear the latest bs that they keep throwin around....interest lost
  20. PoolePaul

    Naplam Death

    and fuck yes...they are playing a gig in my shitty little town pretty soon with a couple of my mates different bands supporting...cant wait..will be brutal