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  1. X

    Philippine Metal Scene

    the videos sold here are all burned by some anonymous guy... wala namang pirated... all were downloaded from the internet... hey, do any of you guys know where i could get a cheap original copy of slayer's reign in blood, cause i always wanted to have that album... =(...
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    i'm a straightedge hardcore kid, but i listen to a lot of emo... too bad crap like the used give bands like thursday, and flood of red a bad name... i fucking hate the used... they're not even fucking emo...
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    Philippine Metal Scene

    i have a feeling that victory record dumps a shitload of stuff here in davao... not complete, but i think they have albums from... dead to fall (everthing i touch falls to pieces) hatebreed (satisfaction is the death of desire) integrity (bringing it back) strife (one truth/ angermeans/...
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    Philippine Metal Scene

    isn't cranial incisored on purevolume? are you a member? i actually really love your guyz music... hey man, i'm from davao city!
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    Philippine Metal Scene

    converge i think is a metalcore band that is an influential part of hardcore history... what do you guys think of zao? christian metalcore sila diba? sensya na, i'm just a fan of metalcore/hardcore... sorry for posting as if i belonged here...
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    Philippine Metal Scene

    hey... guyz... i'm filipino... but i'm not really a pure metalhead... straightXedge ako... does anyone happen to know of any good metalcore bands in davao? cuz i wanna go out and see people floorpunching instead of just standing there like idiots... hehehe... i'm a newbie... please...