Search results

  1. The Recorder

    The ZW EMGs

    I think you should try which one you like more (in the bridge/neck position) and which one suits to the tone of your guitar's bodywood.
  2. The Recorder

    The ZW EMGs

    They're ordinary EMGs. Just in same package.
  3. The Recorder

    Warwick basses?

    I own Warwick Corvette Standard and I really like it. It's '96 model and is equipped with Bartolini J-pickups and Aquilar OBP-3 preamp (=sweet). You can get used Corvette in Europe quite cheap (500-600 euros) if you have patience to wait for a good deal to pop up. Try to look Warwicks made...
  4. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    Thanks Mulder! This really got me interested and I'll consider this option in (near) future.
  5. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    I'm still a bit confused from all this pricing mess, but I really hope I did a good deal.
  6. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    I got that Fostex 1840 mixer today and MAN THAT THING IS HUGE! Bigger than kitchen table. :p There were some problems with that mixer, I offered 250 euros for it and owner thought I meant 2500 old finnish marks. That's about 416 euros. I was in kind of panic when I realised that I should pay...
  7. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    DVD-RW drive was on my mind but I don't know... That would be about 35 euros more than CD-RW. I consider it, but thanks for the tip anyway.
  8. The Recorder

    New mix - feedback and tips would be appreciated!

    Veeery nice riffs!
  9. The Recorder

    New Vile death metal recording mp3

    Nice! Except I didn't like the bass drum sound. It was little bit too lifeless and "plastic".
  10. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    I know that Mac would be much better, but I have no other choice. Mac costs something like 500-600 euros and my budget is 300 euros and that pc is what I can get with 300 euros. Maybe I'll buy Mac next summer. Got my stuff today! :hotjump: Shitty thing is that I'm still missing computer...
  11. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    Thanks for the tip! Didn't know that. I'll see what I can do.
  12. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    Owner of that pc package was such an asshole. I told him yesterday that I'm organizing my money things and I'll contact him today. Well, I mailed him few hours ago and he answered: "I sold it today." Shit! My budget is something like 300 euros and this is what I can get with that amount of...
  13. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    Maybe G5 when I'm rich enough, because my budget this time quite low. I've been considering used pc with 2,4 GHz Intel Celeron processor, 512mb DDR memory and 80 gb hard disk drive for 260 euros. Only thing that I should buy would be writing cd drive which costs something like 19 euros. Quite...
  14. The Recorder

    Home studio this way comes!

    Phew. Just ordered "little better" (still quite crappy) recording equipment. I think I've gone through hell with this. I heard yesterday that the store wherefrom I had planned to order would be closed whole July and that was when I went to panic. Where would I get the money in few days?!? I...
  15. The Recorder

    Hey everybody, i'm new.

    With pleasure? Where do we start? :grin:
  16. The Recorder

    Annihilation of The Wicked Tone

    How about bass? What gear? What mics did you use? Tell everything. ...And hi. I'm new here. :wave: edit. I should have read the whole thread. :erk:
  17. The Recorder

    16 tracks of audio....

    If I understood your question correctly, I say try RME Hammerfall LE 9636. It has 2 ADAT in/outs.
  18. The Recorder

    Hey everybody, i'm new.

    Newbie here too. :tickled: Just posted to say "HI!" to James and everyone else.