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  1. Killbot

    So my music got wiped...

    no thx, I'd rather save my money for important things like booze and dildos. I can off more than that, but my dildo collection doesn't come cheap.
  2. Killbot


    not quite sure what you're after here, do you like it heavy, almost towards the funeral doom end of the spectrum, or something more traditional? Either way here's a mix of a few bands I haven't seen mentioned on my quick browse of the thread Ramesses Goatsnake Witchcraft...
  3. Killbot

    So my music got wiped...

    Some of you may remember me from the forums from a while back, but that's fairly irrelevent. Recently my computer got wiped and I need to rebuild my entire music collection, I've been out of touch with the metal scene for a while, but I still love it. With this is mind. I want you to list me...
  4. Killbot

    Wrest from Leviathan

    Aye it does, more artists should man up and stab women in the vagina with burning hot tools
  5. Killbot

    My music blog/tumblr - Get in touch to be featured

    Music tumblr - Get in touch to be featured I'm all about bigging up the little (or big) man (or woman), I have a music tumblr and want to support artists of all genres. If you wish to be featured, get in touch and will put the song of your choice up including a little message of what I think...
  6. Killbot

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I love old pepople Right now I am having a cuppa, smoking a fag. eating cheese on toast and watching porn. Probably one of the best things you can do.
  7. Killbot

    The pics thread

    I didn't OD, just passed out, but my sis wasn't used to seeing it. That food looks epic.
  8. Killbot

    The pics thread

    I got it in my hand, you can see the scars
  9. Killbot

    Short hairstyles. Thoughts and recomendations.

    I got my mates to shave me a short faux hawk, was my fav hairstyle, I would recommend. Can't find any proper photos, but it was summat like this
  10. Killbot

    The pics thread

    Long story short passed out on booze and phenibut, my sister didn't know why I was passed out and called an ambulance. Woke up in the hospital with an old lady groaning next to me, had no idea what was going on. And yes I got liposuction while I was there
  11. Killbot

    Ambient, IDM and blog

    If anybody fancies working on some collabs - albums, tracks, production - I'd be very much up for it, just let me know. I'm open to working with any style. Article about 'On Earth' by Mark Barton featured on Losing Today ( 'an abundance of tearfully...
  12. Killbot

    The pics thread

    Killbot is back and fresh outa hospital
  13. Killbot

    You "wtf" you lose

  14. Killbot

    You laugh, you lose

    Keep with it past the first couple of minutes, because shit really hits the fan.
  15. Killbot

    Youtube thread

    MacDonalds was weird in the 70's, really weird
  16. Killbot

    The pics thread

    Severe drug withdrawls combined with getting insanely pissed caused a few days of vommitting and wretching. I'm assuming that's what caused it, but I don't actully remember it happening. I just looked in the mirror one morning and noticed my eye was fucked.
  17. Killbot

    The pics thread

    Burst a blood vessel in my eye because I'm 'ard:
  18. Killbot

    What are you listening to now ?

    Planet Mu is far and away my favourite IDM label right now.
  19. Killbot

    The pics thread

    I like how she's trying to escape in the second pic