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  1. Thornspawn

    Happy Holidaze!

    New Year has arrived and I thought I might join the Symphorce forums, since it's such a great band ;) Hello everyone and best of luck to you in 2007
  2. Thornspawn


    I remember when I was 16 and I heard bands like Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Mortician, Suffocation. These guys amazed me with their ability to do the "growls" and I wanted to be able to do it just like them. But I just couldn't. I tried, but only crap would come out of my mouth :goggly: . But...
  3. Thornspawn

    Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny Mix..

    Very precise picking. Good job on the guitar work!
  4. Thornspawn


    When I heard the opening riff I thought I was listening to the TBA again. The rest sounds like a mix of latter day Metallica. Personally I don't care if they make a METAL album, I'm just hoping they make a DECENT album. Oh, and does anyone have a feeling that Jamez hasn't written all the...
  5. Thornspawn


    :lol: Is this some mix between Cannibal Corpse and Gorefest?
  6. Thornspawn

    Double tracking quad tracking

    Well, I guess if the first 2 don't work out, there is no point in tracking another 2.
  7. Thornspawn

    VOLBEAT - The Strength, The Sound, The Songs

    Here is a couple of links to their songs from the official site: Caroline leaving Rebel monster I only wanna be with you
  8. Thornspawn

    VOLBEAT - The Strength, The Sound, The Songs

    Has any of you had the chance to listen to the last album of these great Danes? Somke heavy s*** going on there. I just heard it recently, and was blown off by the production especially the guitar sound. I think these are the biggest sounding guitars I've heard, ever. Does anyone know what...
  9. Thornspawn

    Nevermore Singer Drunk on Stage

    Are you sure it was a cold, and not booze?
  10. Thornspawn

    What do I do here?

    My friend gave me a his project to mix and arrange a little bit. When I started listening to it, everything seemed to be OK, except for the guitars. They were recorded through a ZOOM processor and to say they sounded awful would be an understatement. The obvious choice would be to re-record...
  11. Thornspawn

    BACK UPS?? CD? DVD? HD? Do you trust it?

    Actually there are 2 of these :D On the other hand, if you saw what software was being run on the servers you'd laugh your ass of. I personally have seen nothing like this since DOS :lol:
  12. Thornspawn

    BACK UPS?? CD? DVD? HD? Do you trust it?

    We have this baby at work. 27,9 TB of storage!!!!!!!
  13. Thornspawn

    Question for the Brits...

    Ok I'll give you two bands, one old and one new :D 1. GRIM REAPER 2. BIOMECHANICAL
  14. Thornspawn

    Amon Amarth's "Vs. The World" drum sound?

    hmmm, no :D
  15. Thornspawn

    EMG's in a cheap guitar

    200$ ?
  16. Thornspawn

    EMG's in a cheap guitar

    I haven't really considered any models yet. Maybe you could reccomend something up to 400 $
  17. Thornspawn

    EMG's in a cheap guitar

    well, I was cosidering buying something cheap and installing EMG's in it to get a good metal tone for recording through a PODXt. Or do you have any other good, economic solutions?
  18. Thornspawn

    EMG's in a cheap guitar

    81 and 85? Has anyone tried this? Any good?
  19. Thornspawn

    Drumkit from Hell 2: very quiet Ride?

    So are you saying that DFH is better ( and takes up less RAM) then DFH2
  20. Thornspawn

    Drumkit from Hell 2: very quiet Ride?

    Maybe if you just rerouted it to a different output channel ....