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  1. Tormentor

    Japanese Rock 101

    Thanks for the great site that you have there! I've always loved X Japan. I think their faster songs are very much like the great songs of Helloween. (but that's just my opinion) Although they're not a very visual band (they're more a simple rockband, right?) I think you at least should...
  2. Tormentor

    I'm not drinking another zip of alchool ever again in my life.

    Well well, accidents happen. Choose someone elses car next time.
  3. Tormentor

    Question for those with recording/studio knowledge

    That thing about that the DOD sound sucked is your opinion. Personally I think it's fine. A multitude of factors determine how the record sounds; the recordstudio accoustics, equipment used, the input from the musicians, the recording engineer, the producer, the mixing engineer and also the...
  4. Tormentor


    It doesn't bother me that much. In every war in the 20'th Century there's been war and political propaganda. It's inevitable. And the lyrics in "Paschendale" doesn't mention anything about Nazism.
  5. Tormentor

    Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's bs. Narrowminded bs at that.
  6. Tormentor

    Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never expected you to like it anyway, Silver. Stick to your beloved Duran Duran. If you call that music.
  7. Tormentor


    Wildest Dreams - 5/10 Rainmaker - 8/10 No More Lies - 8/10 Montsegur 6/10 Dance Of Death - 7/10 Gates Of Tomorrow - 4/10 New Frontier - 7/10 Paschendale - 10/10 Face In The Sand - 8/10 Age Of Innocence - 5/10 Journeyman - 8/10 ...and that's being honest to my opinion.
  8. Tormentor

    Heard the new Maiden "album".

    IMO, DOD is a lot better than BNW. Sure, I consider some songs better than others on DOD, but all in all it's one helluvan album. And I had some doubts, to be honest. But not anymore.
  9. Tormentor

    Pass The Jam is the second worst Maiden song ever

    Your first post obiously show how much you know about music. :lol: As stated before, it's not a song, just a jam...for fun kinda.
  10. Tormentor

    It's out! And sounds good!

    IMO, it's better than BNW, making it the best since 7'th Son. I absolutely love DOD, it's excellent. This album is important for Maiden. Now they have shown the Metal that they still can kick serious ass.
  11. Tormentor

    Official BB down (again)

    Long enough for me to visit it, everyday. Well, there's always this place, also. And
  12. Tormentor

    Official BB down (again)

    Heh, I'd say it's great for those Maidenfans who want to talk about Maiden. :p
  13. Tormentor

    Official BB down (again)

    Just momentarily. It's back now.
  14. Tormentor

    Since the DoD tour will be Maiden's last *real* tour...

    Yeah, next time in Stockholm, in November. It's just a 2½ hour ride with car, from my place. They are sure to be back, after that, I reckon. Sweden is an Iron Maiden-stronghold. :kickass:
  15. Tormentor

    What's the official Maiden BB like now?

    Well, it got over 10 000 members. And it's a lot more Maiden Talk, now. :) Exception, perhaps, in the language specific threads.
  16. Tormentor

    Favourite Asian Bands

    Eh, at the moment my favorite band from Asia is Spitz, from Japan. Some really really great music and musicians. And ambigious, poetic lyrics. Their latest album is quite good.
  17. Tormentor

    A girl was raped at the Maiden show in Chicago

    Well, you don't have to go there, to the BB. :Smug: No use complaining, here. :rolleyes:
  18. Tormentor

    I am dissapointed in Maiden...

    Nope, I'm not dissapointed. A bit worried, maybe. DOD will kick ass. No doubt. I can change the cover to whatever I want. Nicko fewked up. Plain and simple. He's human. Maiden will tour in Sweden again soon. All in all, not bad.
  19. Tormentor

    DoD Album cover revealed!!

    Apparently noone gives a fewk.
  20. Tormentor

    DoD Album cover revealed!!

    So, what do you think, guys. How's this drawing? I say it's friggin AWESOME! By IM BB'r "Moutchy", perhaps you've seen it.