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  1. L0bster


    No matter how old school, that moniker truly breathes dick. Darkified!?
  2. L0bster


    Done! Funny how this fake account already has a few mutual friends with me from the scene here...
  3. L0bster

    2010 MUSIC

    Ghost - Opus Eponymous Deftones - Diamond Eyes and Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart Those three cought my attention this year. Tho I have to say most of 2010 was all about discovering and re-discovering stuff released since looong.
  4. L0bster

    How do you like your coffee? "Blacker than the Blackest black!"

    They do remind me a bit of a Guiro . Only less power.
  5. L0bster

    How do you like your coffee? "Blacker than the Blackest black!"

    Putting sugar in your coffee (in any quantity) is always worse than milk (in any quantity). Just for the record. ANYHOO I like norwegian shit (a bit everything really, up til the latest enslaved stuff, starting in the early 90s) and deathspell omega. The suicidal black I find a bit gay.
  6. L0bster

    It's gonna have to be mind blowing or fuck it - Opeth

    I find Still Life, Blackwater Park and Deliverance (yep, really) to be a 10/10 hat-trick. While remaining interesting since, the musical flow hasnt been the same really. Talking about pre still life however, I think the presence musicaly wasnt ready and matured yet. Well, down to biz - i'm...
  7. L0bster


  8. L0bster

    Me playing "Soul Evisceration"

    Great playing! PowerBlade and Belac - His guitar stands out crystal clear, its panned a bit even, sharpen up those ears
  9. L0bster

    Bloodbath doing 5 festivals this summer

    Hypocrisy and Bloodbath playing the same day at Tuska. Hopes up for Peter guest apperance.
  10. L0bster

    Your favorite Kataonia line?

    My brother is half ways, through a book I left him Called me today, to see what I'd say
  11. L0bster

    Face Off: 1. Megadeth vs. Metallica

    Mustaine just knows how to write ace riffs, and has continued to do so over the years. Hetfield has a few crusher classics, but Dave seems to have a virtually endless supply. And in their genre - its all about the riffs isnt it?
  12. L0bster

    Anders' Tour Diary for Ultimate Guitar

    Obviously the vast majority of what comes out the PA system is live musicmanship anyway, and 'tonia has had fairly layered production for a good 10 years now, so I cant agree that its very different situations. And, seeing them live 5-6 times in scandinavia, at least half of these occasions they...
  13. L0bster

    Any hip Hop fans?

    After hating it for a good 12 years I finally started to discover some good stuff. Not a favorite genre or anything, but there is always good stuff to discover, and its definitely much more diverse than most metal heads (including me for years and years) would think. The hiphop you hear is more...
  14. L0bster

    Anders' Tour Diary for Ultimate Guitar

    I said back in 2006 that they'd need backtracks and got flamed for it. Well look who was right.
  15. L0bster

    New or Old katatonia? Whats your Favorite?

    Got rather mixed preferences. faves are LFDGD NitND VE BMD something like that. So really, no era in particular, but last fair deal is an album hard to beat compositionwise. Least appreciated is tGCD.
  16. L0bster

    Aeveron's cover of EoS

    Covered this tune with canopy when I was 17. Check it out.
  17. L0bster

    Rakshasas E.P - mastered by Dan Swano

    I remember Lord K posting his opinion on my first demo with canopy back in 04 and the critisism was actually fairly accurate and constructive. Tho I guess we were listening to bolt thrower and such shit that Kenta happens to like. Anyways, you guys are obviously new to this right? Id say youd...
  18. L0bster

    The Longest Year Video

    Nice vid, now I can finally forget the atrocity of a video that was DattS
  19. L0bster

    How do you rank Viva Emptiness in the Katatonia discography?

    Production is a lil raw and some riffs are a little bit fillerish in nature, but all in all there's still heaps of top quallity songwriting and some of there coolest orchestration ideas. Goes in below last fair deal, but I think its on par with TD, NitND, DO and BMD, all good and very different...