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  1. 6

    Check it out if your a metal head i could use a good team of people to help me make this even better so please contact me if your interested in helping in anyway thanks.
  2. 6

    Sorry for the silence....

    yeah for real thats terrible but believe it or not shes in a better place now and looking down on you happy to see your still kicking and doing your thing. much respect for all you have done in your career and all you do in the future
  3. 6

    Peter's Vocals

    there a awesome band anyway you put it screams or growls hypocrisy kicks ass and peter is raw at what he does
  4. 6

    Bartender Pics Take 2...

  5. 6

    Whats up People

    Hey whats up everyone i am new :P and i dont expect anyone to care hahah but anyway whats up to anyone that comes in here