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  1. ShadarLogoth

    How you discovered Sym X

    they were mentioned on the old century media forum around 2001, saw V at my local music store, grabbed it, spent the rest of the semester with my roommate playing all the Zelda games with Symphony x as the soundtrack.
  2. ShadarLogoth

    Sym X Song Survivor - Iconoclast

    Just not into electric messiah
  3. ShadarLogoth

    New Album

    I hope they bring back more of the lighter vocal styles, really enjoyed the last couple discs, but Russell has been staying on the heavier side, love the less aggressive harmonies on the older discs.
  4. ShadarLogoth

    Random appreciation post

    Been cranking pursuit of the sun lately and that damn cd still hits me the same way it did when it was brand new, segue from ghosts of summers past to the end of August is one of my favorite musical section of all time. Rip Dave man, glad I got to experience your music when it was new and still...
  5. ShadarLogoth

    Shadar Logoth on bandcamp Curse is now available.
  6. ShadarLogoth

    Shadar Logoth on bandcamp

    Shadar Logoth's Demo 2006 is now available as a pay what you want option at bandcamp. which means free. the 2008 release, Curse will be available soon.
  7. ShadarLogoth

    Good Bye My Friend

    R.I.P. Mr. Gold, a man that proved hard work and dedication could get your band somewhere without bending to trends. Woods I & II are among my all time favorite albums, and I'm really bummed he wont be around to write something else to enter that list.
  8. ShadarLogoth

    Arcturus announced for Progpower 2011?

    to be completely honest, while I enjoyed sideshow symphonies, I don't feel they should bother getting back together unless Garm is involved. Vortex is my favorite singer in all of metal, so this isn't a slam on him.
  9. ShadarLogoth

    Arcturus announced for Progpower 2011?

    If that's all that the promoter recieved from the band I would be fairly pissed as well. I'm sure there are many pissed off ticket holders right now who bought the tickets because Arcturus were going to play in North America, I was almost one of them, I'm glad I didn't buy them now. I have...
  10. ShadarLogoth

    What's the general consensus on the first two Borknagar discs on this forum?

    Olden Domain is my favorite Borknagar album, honestly never got into the s/t to much though. I enjoy all the bands output, and its defintately hard to compare because of diversity of sound of most of the releases other than empiricism/epic which sound very similar to me, with empiricism being...
  11. ShadarLogoth

    "My Domain..." An Instant Classic?

    i wouldn't go that far, but my domain is a damn good track. i also like fleshflower and abrasion tide quite a bit.
  12. ShadarLogoth

    Shadar Logoth-Curse, New Price is selling the last few physical copies of Curse at $4.97
  13. ShadarLogoth

    UNIVERSAL review/s

    I won't be surprised if its "cool" and trendy to not like borknagar now, all metal bands with a solid history generally hit a phase where whether or not the music is quality, its cool to shit on them in reviews. i think new and unexperienced reviewers use this as a chance to get noticed, "hey...
  14. ShadarLogoth

    Please, rate my productions!

    Just listened to Borknagars new track, mix is excellent. i'd say your best work yet, from what i've listened to. Drums are great. nice balance to everything.
  15. ShadarLogoth

    HAVOC now available for streaming

    great song, most noticable aspect for me is the much improved drum sound over the last couple cds, this is more organic and brutal sounding. just makes the whole track heavier. great job on the mix mr. finstad
  16. ShadarLogoth

    Another Fun Thread: Top 10 Albums 2000-2009

    Borknagar-empericism opeth-blackwater park nevermore-this godless endeavor woods of ypres-against the seasons agalloch-ashes against the grain god forbid-determination syphony x-v kurixis-2003 demo divinity destroyed-eden in ashes emperor-prometheus
  17. ShadarLogoth

    Universal tracklist and artwork

    I'll agree with the group, amazing artwork. one of the best i've seen in metal lately.
  18. ShadarLogoth

    Time to sum up it up: greatest metal releases this year 2009

    I completely agree with devin townsends "addicted" far better than the more experimental "ki". my votes aren't worth a ton due to not listening to too much new music, i spend alot of time filling out my collection with stuff that i missed from previous years, but the other albums i've...
  19. ShadarLogoth

    What is the your favorite project you've worked on?

    What album or project that you've worked on at toproom has been your favorite, wether for challenge, fun or experimentation? Also, what got your started and interested in recording? (these questions directed toward mr. finstad) looking forward to picking your brain more on this forum...
  20. ShadarLogoth

    The making of UNIVERSAL part II- Live on the Official Borknagar Youtube channel

    There seems to be agood number of us bass players on this forum that would all love to see the bass segments, if only to see the 8 string in action up close.