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  1. dishcloth


    it sounds disjointed and forced - if you like that kinda thing i can't argue, but its not my cup of tea
  2. dishcloth


    okay, just heard suns of nothing on their myspace. obviously nothing has changed, the first half of the song sounded like mr bungle had bred with a hardcore band. if they cut that track in half and kept the 2nd part it would have been really good.
  3. dishcloth


    heard a bit of their stuff, haven't heard this one. from the stuff ive heard, its disappointed me, not because its awful but because i've seen a lot of wasted potential in it. what i mean is, a brilliant passage in a song will be ruined with a pointless "heavy for the sake of it" piece of crap...
  4. dishcloth

    Radiohead -- In Rainbows

    just started getting in to ok computer of recent, will definately check this out, specially if its free
  5. dishcloth

    The official NOW PLAYING thread...

    ELO - Living Thing
  6. dishcloth


    I wonder how their music would sound in a life setting. Would be amazing to see.
  7. dishcloth

    Suspended Animation Dreams follow up

    Massively impressed by SAD. Lots of thanks to the boys for making some refreshingly creative and interesting music.
  8. dishcloth

    RIP Billy Thorpe

    no, i'll be right.
  9. dishcloth

    How much would you pay for noobs guitar?

    lol this thread is beginning to get a Manowar vibe about it...
  10. dishcloth

    RIP Billy Thorpe

    ^ no, I haven't accused you of anything, nor do I care if you were being insensitive or not, I just didn't understand the logic of your comment, it looked as if it were intended to be funny and wasn't, tis all.
  11. dishcloth

    RIP Billy Thorpe

    ^ was that supposed to be funny?...
  12. dishcloth

    Mike Oldfield

    Anyone a fan of this dudes work? I'm a big fan of tubular bells. Great stuff.
  13. dishcloth

    RIP Billy Thorpe

    he was 60. RIP mate
  14. dishcloth

    Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

    I think the people who are basically saying that racists are scum of the earth should really think about the actual issue of racism. Why are racists racist? Have you REALLY thought about that? I seriously doubt that everyone who is racist is evil. Sure there is a minority of racists who are evil...
  15. dishcloth


    ^ Exactly. Same sort of thing happens here. Sporting events here, a mid strength beer is around $8 and you get like 250ml, the mark up is like 600% to R.R.P. It's bullshit.
  16. dishcloth

    Worst Albums Ever.

    The only album I cannot listen to is The Fireman's Curse by Hunters & Collectors. I promise, if you ever hear it, you will agree that it is the worst music ever written. It makes pretty much all these suggestions sound fantastic.
  17. dishcloth

    what do you think about soad's armeniean genocide clip?

    Interesting issue. Like all terrible events that have happened in the past (not taking either side here on this particular issue), we as humans unfortunately can only learn from our mistakes and do everything in our power to prevent war and genocide from occuring again.
  18. dishcloth


    If anyone tried to sell a bottle of water to me for $10, I would tell them to ram it up their scumbag profiteering arse. Thats an absolutely ridiculous price.
  19. dishcloth

    My Dying Bride: Worth Exploring?

    Yes. I personally like the production on the new one the best.