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  1. S


    I just wanted to say thanks. I've been listening to WoY for a long time now, but just this entire week, I've been going through a breakup which has been exceedingly difficult for me and reletively easy for my uncaring expartner. I've been mostly listening to Uaral lately, but this afternoon...
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    "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta."

    I've gotten comments now, from my girlfriend, my mom and my girlfriends uncle, that I apparently look like a gang member when I'm wearing my WoY beanie and my whoodie. Apparently, there's something "gangish" about black metal logos?!
  3. S

    Northern Storm Records

    Sorry if this is in the wrong topic or if it needs to be locked. I just want to make sure I can get the message out: Back in October (23rd), I ordered an album and I had to go through a guy named Brent Lockman who is apparently president of this place. Well, to make it short and sweet, I...
  4. S

    _FUCK_ Northern Storm Records

    Back in October (23rd), I ordered an album and I had to go through a guy named Brent Lockman who is apparently president of this place. Well, to make it short and sweet, I ordered it ($15) and it never came. I opened a dispute with PayPal and emailed this dude, I was polite about the issue. In...
  5. S

    Hey Dave, question about how you ship...

    What do you ship with? Is it FedEx? They just attempted to deliver a package today but I wasn't home (damn my girlfriend wanting me to sleep at her house!!) to sign for it. I'm hoping that wasn't it because I don't want to drive all the way to where it is to pick it up, even though they'll try...
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    Saw Arsis tonight and it was fucking badass. The Faceless was decent enough as an opener and the first guys, a local band called Murder Comes in Rows are terrible. Blah. Apparently the headliners, All Shall Perish weren't there tonight because of a sickness, so I thought that was awesome since...
  7. S

    Got my WoY guitar string back from the frame shop today.

    BUUUT, you'll have to wait for pictures :P I picked it up at work when I got here and I have another two hours before I get off and can take pictures of it. In total it cost me $45.42 and it came out VERY nice. Looks perfect. There is a seude black matting with the string coiled around, the...
  8. S


    Just curious if anyone else knows about this band. For those that don't, it's quite incredible. I've had the latest album, "Carriers Of Dust" for some time now and I really love it. Symphonic Black Metal. The most interesting thing about it all though? It's all done by one guy. A ninteen...
  9. S

    "Oh Sweet!"

    My exact words when I turned around in the kitchen to face the dining room and saw a rather large gold package sitting on the dining room table. I knew exactly what it was and it further affirmed it when I moved the smaller box on the upper left hand corner (New cd, My Dying Bride - Turn Loose...
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    Metal chef Easier to watch the videos on google if you ask me, though... Second episode on their way to the store is hilarious :P
  11. S

    David: Official title on Woods 3?

    Getting my guitar string framed and I'm going to get a silver plate with it, that'll say "Woods of Ypres" then under that, the title of the album. But, I don't know the title of the album beyond "Woods 3." :P So do we have an official title for the album yet? For a nice frame, seude black...
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    Just curious, how long ago was it that you sent out the blood red shirts? Was wondering if it was later than I thought, because I still haven't gotten mine yet and I relaly want to wear it! :kickass:
  13. S

    Your latest album purchases?

    Just curious, figured I'd inquire about your latest album purchases and list off mine. My latest purchases (in the month of August) Wolves In The Throne Room - Diadem Of 12 Stars (Great album) Opera IX - The Call Of The Wood Opera IX - Sacro Culto Just bought both the Opera IX on a whim...
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    When will Woods 2 be available again?

    Was wearing my WoY shirt today and driving home from work listening to Woods 1 and I thought about it, when will Woods 2 be in print again and available to purchase? I WANT IT!!!
  15. S

    Anyone seen the Metal Crusader Tour, yet?

    Just got back last night, it was dissapointing AND awesome at the sametime. Dissapointing because I really wanted to see Graveworm as I've heard great things, but it was their night off, I suppose. Bands that I did see: Speed.Kill.Hate. - Not bad. They weren't GREAT, but they weren't...
  16. S

    Do you folks like coffee?!

    I'm not asking, of course, but Dethklok is... Music sounds pretty sweet too... Coffee is fucking metal...
  17. S

    A little WoY hate...

    I'm curious about peoples opinions on this matter, of course, I've come to post at the forum that's going to be the most bias, but whatever :kickass: :lol: Anyway, it seems that I encounter quite a bit of WoY hate around the net. It seems as though there are two types. A) People who haven't...
  18. S

    Good place to get Novembre albums?

    Hello everyone, I have Materia and that's the only album sells. I've searched all over, looked on Century Medias page but it seemed to be down at the moment, or poorly updated. Does anyone have any links to where I could pick-up some of the other albums? Thanks.
  19. S

    Finally got my "Against The Seasons" today...

    Finally being able to hear the songs as they were ment to be heard, I must say, Brian (Spells it wrong though, it's BrYan :P ) has a great black metal voice.
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    First post!

    Wow, I'm awesome... Good music - I don't currently have any of it (beyond the samples), but that should all change this coming friday. Why's that? Payday, of course! :rock: