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  1. Lost-To-Apathy

    Apologies from Arizona

    The strongest irony is that Dark Tranquillity where the openin act for bands that have lots of elements influenced by Dark Tranquillity. So this is the biggest crap that their label (or who it's related to) have ever made. Anyway, I like Killswitch Engage or to tell the truth I still like some...
  2. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Too bad... I liked that part. Anyway I hope there's a chance for this part to be song-intro on the shows. Same way as "Misery's Crown" has only live intro Yeah, I know what you mean. Current intro (or at least in 2009) that is made of "Empty Me" quiet part really makes you psyched right when...
  3. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    What's wrong with you? Are you going to claim that you have ever got laid before the marriage?! :lol: Okay, you tempter-bitch! You got me! YOU GOT ME, MOTHERFUCKER!!! I let myself a chance to hear one song and it was "The Fatalist". It's an amazing song. I'm ready to eat my words about it...
  4. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Since now and until the 26th you can stream "We Are The Void" on band's MySpace. Hope I can resist that another temptation... Nice suggestion. But it sees more like about addiction because of this - "This is the last time - I am now done with this. I carry my nothing every single day"
  5. Lost-To-Apathy

    US Tour-Not? Yes?

    You've chosen the wrong person for explaining this. :) We were the first to hear "Dream Oblivion" and it was really epic, powerful and blasting! I'm gonna keep this memories forever :rock: Played during soundcheck but not during the show? Strange enough... Maybe they planned to play it but ran...
  6. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    rpgw, lucky you! I guess it was for you? And I actually meant that I wanted to figure out WHEN I'm gonna recieve my copy. I hope that it'll be possible at least within the week after the release date. While you're already talking about new songs I'm gonna ask you a question about...
  7. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    rpgw, awesome! Where are you from? I want to figure out where I'm gonna recieve my copy too And where did you offer it from? Ah! I'm getting more anxious with just reading those song titles :hypno:
  8. Lost-To-Apathy

    Dark Tranquillity US tour merch

    Nice... 60 bucks for 2 sets with shipping against 100$ for 1... Oh how I'm proud of the place I live in! :bah: By the way I was alway wondering about the merch. I'm pretty sure that we had merch printed (or whatever it's called) by our organizers 'cause it was labeled with their name. So the...
  9. Lost-To-Apathy

    Happy Valentine's Day -

    It was the first st. valentine's day that I spent not alone being single Bah! Didn't they excluded it from tracklist? I'd be happy if no, 'cause I like the title and it sounds not less promissing than "Grandest Accusation"
  10. Lost-To-Apathy

    Dark Tranquillity US tour merch

    Actually 100$ for 2CD\2DVD. But anyway it seems that our damn organizers have had some solid extra cash... And what's the actual price for 2CD\2DVD edition?
  11. Lost-To-Apathy

    Dark Tranquillity US tour merch

    What do you mean by regular DVD? "Live Damage" or "Where Death Is Most Alive"? 'cause "Where Death is Most Alive" were 100$ for us :u-huh:
  12. Lost-To-Apathy

    I don't think Jesper can return and here's why.....

    Fuckshitfuck!!!!!!! I was reading this thread 2 hours ago and thinking over it. And now I see this statement on MySpace - "JESPER STRÖMBLAD LEAVES IN FLAMES" FUUUUUCK!!!! It was a little predictable but...
  13. Lost-To-Apathy

    US Tour-Not? Yes?

    Icipher? Monochromatic Stains??? SHIT!!! :notworthy: Damn americans! Have fun, you bastards :) At least feel free to share some videos from that shows. And I'm really concerned about live version of "At The Point Of Ignition". I hope it kicks ass the same way the studio version does
  14. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Another temptation to reveal some album details for myself. But that would an exact torture after those 30 secs pieces... Иди нах, пупсег :))) Actually I had a full-time job being disturbed quite often ever through...
  15. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    You were absolutely right. Confusion changed to comprehension - it's a relly good song containing never-used-before features De nada, dude! I'm stuck on this video and song. On my way to work I realized that the main riff stuck in my head. And yeah - THE VIDEO! There are so much details...
  16. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Here it goes. This is the second time I discover major Dark Tranquillity update while ailmessly surfing through MySpace Hell... That's completely different from what they have ever done... I still cannot decide whether I like it or not. But man! It has nothing to do with "Dream Oblivion"...
  17. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Why the hell did they remove the video? :waah: I'm so goddamn nervous and anxious to see that video and listen to another new song! Hell, it is really one of the most difficult and disturbing waiting in my life
  18. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    TheKorruptor, thanks a lot for yout translation! Man, you should be proud of yourself 'cause that reply is designed by your mind :hypno: Сцуко жжош нах!!! :lol: Strange enough that you didn't give it a name by any city of...
  19. Lost-To-Apathy

    6th of March... FS is to Headline Flame of Sorrow Fest

    I ought to be there :) Gotta check the other bands now
  20. Lost-To-Apathy

    We Are The Void

    Have just seen the 5th studio report. That's amazing! And hell I was only half right in what I heard in "Dream Oblivion" lyrics. Shite! I was thinking DVD was going to nclude all these reports. But it seems to me that this 5th is the las one, nah? And with this studio report YouTube had...