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  1. Powers

    Viking Maddness!!!!

    I agree. However, books can be just as factually inaccurate as films. And Braveheart is one of the worst possible examples you could have given.
  2. Powers

    Viking Maddness!!!!

    You know there is a widely debated theory that the Vikings discovered America a long long time before Columbus. Besides Vikings aren't just from Norway, the term viking really applies more generally to any of the Germanic races, which includes everything from the top of France (Gaul. Yea...
  3. Powers

    Gods Of War - Manowar

    Loving the new album. Going to see them in Berlin on Thursday. I'm from England.
  4. Powers

    Writing Dark Lyrics

    Writing lyrics is a lot like writing poetry, particularly poety of the balld tradition. Ballads often centre around a terrible crime, a murder or rape for example, they are very dark and often supernatural. Most writers of the ballad tradition began by writing a dark story about said terrible...
  5. Powers

    What Concert Have You Last Been To?

    Local band called Blunt Wound Trauma, who frankly fucking pwn Next, Mano'war, with Rhapsody of Fire and Holyhell.
  6. Powers

    What does everyone think of Darkthrone?

    Darkthrone are hilarious. "We're too old And too fucking cold!!!" Genius.
  7. Powers

    Dark Tranquillity- Fiction

    I honestly think they're really good. Their newer stuff sounds a lot more electronic/digital compared to their older more gothic/majestic stuff, I don't favour their newer or older stuff. It's all good, a great discography, but from what I can tell these are the only two atmospheres of music...
  8. Powers

    OMG...!!!!...what the hell is this..!!!!.."WORMED"

    I heard of Wormed a while ago. They are intensely shit.
  9. Powers


    They were hilarious, I saw them live, now it's become a little old.
  10. Powers


    Darkthrone are great, so funny.
  11. Powers

    what are you reading?

    Just finished; The true story of Billy 'The Tarmac Warrior' Cribb, Bare Knuckle fighter, Mob enforcer, illegal Cage Fighter, born again Christian, reformed drug addict and now, drugs councillor and amateur boxing promoter. Amazing life, amazing man.
  12. Powers

    Last movie you've watched

    Silent Hill. What twisted messed up motherfucker comes up with monsters like that? Some one needs some serious mental help! Good film though, and the female traffic cop was sooo hot....shame they burned her.
  13. Powers

    So, what gigs are you attending in 2007?

    Rise Against - Manchester University - 10/05/2007 Manowar - Berlin - Max Schmelling Stadde Halle - 22/03/06 I might go and see Wolfmother next month as well, and I sure there'll be others. Oh and I'm going to the European Stwar Wars convention in June as well!
  14. Powers

    Radiohead Vs Porcupine Tree

    Saw them live on the Hail to the Theif tour, Mixymatosis live was spectacular.
  15. Powers

    Best Lineup You've Witnessed

    A friend of mine saw Motorhead on the '79 'Bomber', some kid put his head in the bass bin Lemmy hit a string, apparently to all intents and purposes it look as if the kids head had exploded, none the less he continued to rock out.
  16. Powers

    Now Playing Thread

    Thin Lizzy - Live and Dangerous - Massacre
  17. Powers

    Portable mp3 player: Do you own one?

    I have one, I plan to get another bigger one. It's a more efficient format, it parallels the progression of floppy discs, to CD's to USB sticks, the way we store and access information has changed and is continuing to change. Consider Sky+, you no longer have to record your televison on to...
  18. Powers

    Mike on the Chilli's

    Early stuff was great, Mother's Milk etc, Californication was good, the last two album have been kind of dissapointing, having said that "Give it Away" is by far their worst song ever.
  19. Powers

    In Flames has the most craptastic frontman ever

    They were brilliant, they are now shit.
  20. Powers

    Is there any metal band that you absolutely hate?

    Going to Germany to see them next year. Probably Mayhem, or Khanate, generally something which people try to tell you is experimental and 'out there' but is actaully just plain shit.