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  1. Javier B.

    Spastic Ink and Edgar´s Fall

    I think you guys should take a look at this....:
  2. Javier B.

    "Theoretically Speaking" DVD

    Hi guys. This thread is to know your ideas and suggestions about Ron´s DVD. Ron asked for our help in another thread, but maybe, many of u guys didn´t notice ´cause the thread title was different.
  3. Javier B.

    Personal Guitar Lessons with Ron

    Hi Ron....I was thinking...Do you give personal lessons?If you do, How much do they cost? I´ll be very happy to take some lessons with you, I´m in Colombia, but i really want to travel there. My brother in law is going to the United States very soon and wants some lessons with you. Is it...
  4. Javier B.

    I have problems with the Encore Notation Program

    Hi...I hope one of u guys can help me...I want to transcribe my songs using this notation software, but i don´t know how to make tabs and type the notes or the fingerings...I can do it with the mouse, but it´s too slow to do it that way!!!:erk: Help me, please.:dopey:
  5. Javier B.

    Ron´s creativity in animations

    Hi...I hope Ron reads this post, ´cause i want to compose songs in the style of "Scribble", "Taking notes", etc, :OMG: but i don´t know which are the most recommended scales to do this...Can U help me with that, please? Thanks in advance. PS: Can somebody help me to tab the songs i mentioned...
  6. Javier B.

    I´m Working on a SSoTC Trnascription

    Hello guys...This is my first time in this forum...I´m working on a SSoTC transcription in Guitar Pro 4, in this way, we can play the awsome songs made by Ron with the help of a backing track...Ron has helped me a lot...Thanks Ron!!! :loco: Guys, please reply this thread and tell me what...