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  1. E


    Jeremy, did you ever look into doing more web banner ads?
  2. E

    New Oak Knoll banner...

    I saw this at the DitF fest. looks real sweet. better than the old one. The Oak Knoll merch table was impressive.
  3. E

    Black Harvest in Metal Maniacs

    There's a nice review in the current issue (July 2006) of Metal Maniacs. Check it out.
  4. E


  5. E


    oh, and if you personally know someone at a particular zine, that should get priority as well (obviously)
  6. E


    Will you skip thousands of meals to send a promo to the thousands of random fledgling zines out there? ;) Sorry for the sarcasm, but just making the point (that others have echoed) that though you're right in spirit, you need to be realistic with your boundaries and that means prioritizing...
  7. E

    Recommend Music!

    Sad Legend from Korea?
  8. E


    btw, here's info on the type of banner ad that Black Harvest is gonna try at (scroll down to "JUKEBOX SATELLITE ADS")
  9. E


    I'm in for the MM ad. I'm open to chipping in for whatever size everyone else wants to do, but it seems that the ad will have to be re-formatted a bit to fit different size ads, i.e. it's not vertical enough for 1/4 page and not horizontal enough for 1/2 page, and the text size will have to be...
  10. E


    What zine? ad looks great, btw...great job, Ulas.
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  12. E


    I hope someone can put together a list of print and web zines that are more likely to review Oak Knoll CD's--I am not aware of which places review everything they get and which places Oak Knoll already has a rapport with...and I know there are a lot of zines that will not only review everything...
  13. E

    The Living Fields/Solemnus Split Project

    hi Jason! your band rules.
  14. E


    I don't know much about this. Lumberjack and Very Distro are names I've heard a lot. But I don't know what you're supposed to do to contact them.
  15. E


    Jeremy - consider that $100 worth of banner ad impressions (50 you, 50 me) at Blabbermouth would last a very short amount of time. I'd guess maybe a day. I'm willing to do it just to test it out and see the results, if any. I agree with everyone about reviews--one thing I've experienced is...
  16. E


    The more readers, the more money.
  17. E


    nevermind it doesn't paste right for some reason. go here: and then click on "click here for a live demo" under "Jukebox Satellite Ads"
  18. E


    oops, here's the correct url for that satellite ad:
  19. E


    I don't know if any places take CDs in trade...the places I looked up were more editorial, so they obviously wouldn't because they're not in the business of selling CDs. You can look into that yourself if you like. So where do you wanna invest your first $50? You could put it into a...
  20. E


    let me know when you have the excel spreadsheet up on some the meantime, can you email it to me?