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  1. Liquid Diamonds

    Admit to Music You Like (aren't supposed to)

    Beyonce - "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" Essentially anti-metal haha. Hell, I like anything and everything. i don't care what genre it is, so long as it's good. And I'm easily impressed.
  2. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    The National - "Green Gloves"
  3. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Just had the worst exam in the history of the universe, so... hmmmm... angry, dark, depressive, I think, but melodic and emotive... iLiKETRAiNS - "Terra-Nova" Sorted *thumbs up*
  4. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    I, and I make no bones about the issue, like this record. In fact, I like Timbaland full stop. Nearly everything the man touches turns to gold. Shame he couldn't stretch it over a whole album very successfully.
  5. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Puscifer - "Rev 22:20 (Rev 4:20 Mix)"
  6. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    CHOOOOOOOOOON Currently, my flatmate has come in drunk and she is making me listen to: The Spice Girls - "Say You'll Be There" My life just went down a peg, but hey... you gotta do what you gotta for for yer mates sometimes, eh? :lol:
  7. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Kate Nash - "Shit Song"
  8. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Ulver - "Lost In Moments"
  9. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Manchester Orchestra - "Where Have You Been?"
  10. Liquid Diamonds

    Bands you hate most???

    I see no stipulation that the bands I choose be metal. Although, upon reflection, genuinely poor metal is just about as bad as it gets, "band"-wise... Mithras. Big waste of cash. Terrorizer said "the best British album of all time". My ears said "shite". Korn are hideous, so were Limp...
  11. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Sorry for belated response! Yes, it came out this year and it is called "Watch The Fireworks" Very very good album indeed. Probably not QUITE up there with The Delgados best stuff, but definately worth checking out anyway. I'm enjoying it muchly :D np Rilo Kiley - "Does He Love You?"...
  12. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Emma Pollock - "Acid Test"
  13. Liquid Diamonds

    Most Overrated Opeth Album?

    I voted Still Life, but Morningrise would be as appropriate.
  14. Liquid Diamonds

    Jens Bogren did it again

    True, but if he is now forever-banned, and it came from above Samsara, then... he must have done something COMPLETELY retarded, right? Silly moo. And oh yeah, Jens is very good. Good job on the new live disc, sounds much better than the Lamentations dvd.
  15. Liquid Diamonds

    Recommend me some Anathema!

    The new Anathem record will, quite easily, DESTROY all of their old ones.
  16. Liquid Diamonds

    Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka R.I.P

    Its not fucking fair... 23, that's just so fucking... it's just... ARRRRRGGHHHHHHH MRAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother died at 23 in a car wreck, you can see why this would piss me off :(
  17. Liquid Diamonds

    Now Playing Thread

    Warped Memories - "The Wee Ending" I say give it three years. If, in three years, you don't know who Warped Memories, or Lewis Cook, or wahtever the fuck he's calling himself by then is, then I'll be the most surprised I've ever been.
  18. Liquid Diamonds

    Radiohead -- In Rainbows

    Best Radiohead since Kid A. Not QUITE Kid A, or OK Computer. But excellent nonetheless. For whatever reason, I didn't expect it to be so. I am, thus, a fool.
  19. Liquid Diamonds

    The Roots

    The Roots are one of the stronger hip-hop acts. I think I'm more tolerant of some of the looked down upon hip-hop, but The Roots are genuinely excellent. Check out K-os too, he just owns hard.
  20. Liquid Diamonds

    Top 5 most recently spun cd's?

    Dredg - "Catch Without Arms" Editors - "An End Has A Start" K-Os - "Joyful Rebellion" Pharoahe Monch - "Desire" Isis - "In The Abscence Of Truth"