Search results

  1. Mutant

    A kick for ya all: the revenge of the living kick

    Found 2 more Kaomao kicks:
  2. Mutant

    A kick for ya all: the revenge of the living kick

    I'll upload them to my Box then, will delete after 10 downloads or so.
  3. Mutant

    New Amon Amarth (Sneap mix)

    "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds." Are you fucking kidding me ? Here is the official video:
  4. Mutant

    Lemmy dead at 70

    RIP Lemmy. :(
  5. Mutant

    That Snare, and kick... Radio/Modern?

    Drum room with stone walls maybe. :) Like this one.
  6. Mutant

    That Snare, and kick... Radio/Modern?

    IDK about how that snare was made, but if i wanted something similar i would use the old Phil Collins way: Hard hit + HEAVY reverb + gate on the reverb tail.
  7. Mutant

    Randall Solar - a new ampsim plugin. You will like it. :) [edit]Hmm just checked the dates, looks like it is not exactly new, but still new to me haha. Made a search for "Randall" before posting, nothing relevant came up.
  8. Mutant

    Bought a DI box...

    If your input is high quality hi-Z, you don't need a DI box, unless you want to use some other input that is better quality but not hi-Z.
  9. Mutant

    New killer band : COHOL from Japan

    Aokigahara forest on the cover.
  10. Mutant

    The best impulses since s-preshigh... And they're free !

    Thank you very much. :)
  11. Mutant

    So i'll probably get panned for this....

    I like different movies for different reasons. 1,2,3 are not 4,5,6 and it is OK - i enjoyed them too.
  12. Mutant

    GTA 5 on PC

    No. Only a grown up man. But i admit it was fun to drive over 500 pedestrians per level in Carmageddon in 1997. :) :lol:
  13. Mutant

    GTA 5 on PC

    So... is it fun to be a car stealing, bank robbing, innocent people killing total piece of shit ? :)
  14. Mutant

    Looking for a certain synth sound.... Download the all in one bundle. Import Oatmealv37-3_Ann_Bank01.fxb Switch to preset #2 PAD SynChoir3 Turn off the internal delay and make the noise oscillator a little bit quieter. Use some good reverb like VoS EpicVerb for example .
  15. Mutant

    What the guitar companies don't want you to know (video)

    You must be gay if you dont know who Natalia Forrest is... Nice ! But probably about 5 times too pricey like all other "designer" items. And here Kirk using it live:
  16. Mutant

    Paris shooting

    The religion that produces the highest number or radicals is Islam. World would be a lot better without it.
  17. Mutant

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  18. Mutant

    FREE insanely deep sampled drum kit - 127 velocity layers! (1.9 GB)

    WOW ! Thanks :) Downloading. [edit] Or not downloading... to many users and need to wait 24 hours haha.
  19. Mutant

    ITT we post funny pictures...