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  1. T

    R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio

    Okay, I didn't see that anyone else had posted this, but just heard that Dio passed away this morning. :OMG: Apparently there was a rumor of his death yesterday, which his wife refuted, but she's now confirmed that he did in fact pass away this morning per this posting on Dio's website &...
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    Best Amon Amarth memories

    They're all great memories, but the two that stick out was the first time I went to see them, and got to meet Johan after the show. Had to wait awhile before he came out. Fuck, he was big & scary looking up close, but he's one of the nicest guys, and very down to earth. Second one was a year...
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    Twilight of the thunder god country version!

    Wow... Interesting. Took a moment or two for the vocals to grow on me, but overall, not bad at all. Wonder what Death in Fire would sound like?
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    Greetings all, and Happy New Year! I just found a used copy of Once Sent From The Golden Hall, and I must say it kicks ass!!!! I was going to get the Fate of Norns album, but the only store here that carries it can't find it on the shelves... So went into this use CD store looking to see if...