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  1. Thorg

    Good Thrash

  2. Thorg

    Most Intense Opeth Song?

    hahaha me too. also anything by meshuggah especially bottom
  3. Thorg

    Darth Metal

    yea seriously who are these guys. they are so skillful
  4. Thorg

    The Copyright of Opeth Tabs

    might of been said but you can just get the tabs from
  5. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    what! it is. Chimp Spaner clearly states Allan Holdsworth influence and you can hear it. And opethian. I am neither orc nor agre. I am a spiritual entity
  6. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

  7. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    Thorg happens to have Special Defects in his life. Indeed it is beautiful
  8. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    affinityband. don't judge without knowledge. If you havn't listened don't say anything negative. I have to admit yea the meshuggah influence is quite prominent however there is also a quite obvious allan holdsworth influence in Chimp Spanner's music
  9. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    All over again? Cmon u gotta admit though these guys have skills
  10. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    Hey come on guys a bit of respect. These guys have the necessary skills to go far and with a bit of support i think they could do it. Listen to them, they really do have a nice sound
  11. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    Hey got the link to Chimp Spanner myspace. Check it out here
  12. Thorg

    Skilled Bands

    Hey guys i was just browsing for meshuggah and jazz influeced bands and i came across these two. Have i listen, they're pretty good imho Coprofago The Chimp Spanner Project Sorry coudn't remember the CSP myspace but you can still hear some of it. I'll edit this once i'v...
  13. Thorg

    Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

    Anyone record the live stream?
  14. Thorg

    Music to be miserable to...

    Epitaph - King Crimson H. - Tool 3 Libras - A Perfect Circle Still day Beneath the Sun - OPETH more out there but cbf remembering them
  15. Thorg

    yes, hot girls like opeth TOO!

    that honestly is nothing special
  16. Thorg

    Most listened to album

    Deliverance. All the songs are beautiful however GR is my favourite album
  17. Thorg

    The SINGLE best Opeth solo?

    Well the 1st AFJ solo has serious emotion pouring out of it. Thats why i really like it.
  18. Thorg

    Favourite Opeth Quote

    Hahahaha. nice one conservatory resonance. Oh and benighted1. Just pointing out that is a beautiful saying>tight as a witches cleft. however. That was made by the great Steve Wilson
  19. Thorg

    The Bland Commercialisation?

    Outstanding doesn't rhyme with grand. Othwise good effort. You have redeemed yourself :) The Hand Discolouration The Canned Ejaculation The Underhand Urination The Manned Alsation The Banned Cultivation The Unplanned Castration I'm thinking of putting together a concept album. I...
  20. Thorg

    Favourite Opeth Quote

    "If music were a woman, I'd be desperate to fuck her." - Mikael Åkerfeldt WONDERFUL