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  1. Sentient 6

    Thor: Ragnarok

    Hearing women gasp in the cinema when he took his shirt off was priceless!! But fuck yeah it was a great movie
  2. Sentient 6

    Nice shirt

    Ok that is really hot... I mean really hot
  3. Sentient 6

    Absolutely beautiful cover of "Forever"

    That made me fucking cry!
  4. Sentient 6

    So who is left in here?

    Tee are we dancing in the graveyard???
  5. Sentient 6

    So who is left in here?

    I am here! Yet far far away in Greece!
  6. Sentient 6

    Tee is lurking in the forum!

    Old school boarders rule!
  7. Sentient 6

    Witherfall very Nevermore sounding...

    I find myself liking this and yep I can hear all the influences
  8. Sentient 6

    Killing time for the pretty ones

    Big news coming...I can't say just yet who is involved but you will all be very very happy! This song fucking kicks ass!
  9. Sentient 6

    Shadow Work

    Happy to announce that my next solo record will be coming on Century Media... light years different than Praises... far far heavier.. stay tuned
  10. Sentient 6

    New Gojira

    Very, very good
  11. Sentient 6

    Who has seen The Revenant?

    Chris Rock was really funny and Lady Gaga was robbed when she didn't win best song
  12. Sentient 6

    The Star Wars Thread

    Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin you fools!! It's so obvious!
  13. Sentient 6

    Trying to figure out the lyrics from the 1986 demo song 'Incubus'

    Stupid juvenile lyrics... lol "I want to fuck you to death" and the evil laughing...
  14. Sentient 6

    Who has seen The Revenant?

    Yeah but it's still really fucking good. Have you seen the joke video where the bear wins the Oscar instead of Leo? Hysterical!
  15. Sentient 6

    Who has seen The Revenant?

    Jesus fuckballs what a freaking intense movie, sometimes very hard to watch but an amazingly well made film. DiCaprio is finally going to get his Oscar and he deserves it.
  16. Sentient 6

    The Star Wars Thread

    Ok, this isn't a spoiler. I just heard about the theory that Rey is the female reincarnation of Anakin hence the flashback sequence and it kind of makes sense if you know what happens at the end
  17. Sentient 6

    RIP Lemmy!

    We all knew it would happen and there have been internet rumors about him passing away but it looks like this time it's real. Raise a glass to Lemmy ! A true legend that will live forever in our hearts!
  18. Sentient 6

    The Star Wars Thread

    I mean I seriously went in with no expectations given the history of the series but damn 7 was good!
  19. Sentient 6

    The Star Wars Thread

    Can hardly wait for Episode 8