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  1. capeda

    Kayo Dot Press Release is "Go"!!!

    If Toby wrote that press release, about 47% of it would consist of Opeth bashing.
  2. capeda

    Lately, I've been playing a lot of...

    Offering + Genji Glove is retardedly overpowered.
  3. capeda

    Dowsing Anemone available at Willowtip now

    w00t, got mine today. Willowtipst ist kriegst.
  4. capeda

    bath/lybm re-releases coming this fall

    Yeah, the drums on MFP kinda hurt my ears. I dig the sound of the rest of the album, though.
  5. capeda

    bath/lybm re-releases coming this fall

    OMG learn 2 play, nub.
  6. capeda

    oh hear my warning

    The rippER?!?! the rippehhhr! ... AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAUGGHGHHGHGHGHG ... Thank you, thank you... Green Manilishi!
  7. capeda

    I made music!

    My fingers are crying.
  8. capeda

    winter beer 2005-2006

    I don't really spend much time looking into new beer anymore. I found one that is absolutely perfect for me (Stone IPA and Stone Ruination IPA), and so uh I think the searching process is over! I still have bouts where I buy random stuff from the local beverage shop, but nothing even holds a...
  9. capeda


    I heard a similar idea to this... a bacteria secretes its genes (or proteins) into the brains of mice, which would alter their behavior. The mice would then act against their instinct and be attracted to places where cats were known to frequent (probably due to the scent of their urine). The...
  10. capeda

    first clip from the new Kayo Dot album!!!!

    So uh is there like any news on the album at all or is it all a "great secret"??? :(
  11. capeda

    new (!) Choirs of the Eye review

    aZn mini-acoustic-bass-guitar
  12. capeda

    avi: advice for you now that you own a house

    Who the hell mows their lawn in a leather jacket? In this heat?!
  13. capeda

    Metallica songs played in major key I stumbled across this on the gamefaqs board... so happy and uplifting!
  14. capeda

    its just one of those days

    Slayer kills fags and posers! ... Uh okay that's a bit harsh. Slayer rules, and their fans don't.
  15. capeda

    so this new nevermore album

    Am I the only one who thinks Enemies of Reality is quite clearly Nevermore's best album?
  16. capeda

    Fortune smiles upon thee...

    "Jew" in the secular/non-racial sense! :(
  17. capeda


    I don't really like the term "screamo"... doesn't it just imply emo with harsh vocals? As far as I know, the first bands labeled as emo (Rites of Spring, Fugazi, and etc) used some screamy vocal styles.
  18. capeda

    Fortune smiles upon thee...

    Well, I didn't really like 2 or 3 very much. I remember I liked 4 quite a bit because they let you play as that merchant in a store and you could try to jew people into paying more than items were worth. I kinda lost interest in the game when it hit the final chapter and became more open ended...
  19. capeda

    Fortune smiles upon thee...

    I tried downloading a rom of this the other day and uh... all the characters were either naked or in speedos. I opened up one of the chests in the room... "Thou hast found the dildo." After the soldiers started talking about the bad stuff the "Dominatrix" was doing, I decided that either...
  20. capeda

    Fortune smiles upon thee...

    The metal slime approaches! ::attack:: The metal slime dodges! ::attack:: The metal slime dodges! ::attack:: The metal slime dodges! The metal slime runs away. ::simultaneously displayed with frustrating sound effect::