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  1. derbeder

    Most depressing metal album

    yep. in the case of mdb, i'd probably go for turn loose the swans, though.
  2. derbeder

    Richard David James

    you may like some of it after going through some more post ww2 classical like stockhausen, cage and so on. especially druqks.
  3. derbeder

    Faith ?

    The early surahs on the Qu'ran, Al-Baqara, Al-Imran and Al-Ma'idah in particular, contain many references to Jews and Christians. Being the People of the Book, they receive some consolation according to: 2:62 Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who...
  4. derbeder

    Faith ?

  5. derbeder

    Favorite 5 Black Metal Albums

    there is a danger in having your recently played list in your sig. we can always catch if someone is listening to come clarity while dissing others' shit taste in metal, which is never a good thing. that aside, yes either hlto or the first half of filosofem does belong in a list of...
  6. derbeder

    Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd!

    if labrie had lost his voice completely 10 years ago and kevin moore had stayed in the band, they would have been much better.
  7. derbeder

    Explain your nickname

    means vagabond in turkish.
  8. derbeder

    Steven Wilson Solo album!!!

    insurgentes is the best album sw has done since in absentia.
  9. derbeder


    lol bang. give the folks here a break. they are still frequenting um after all. if you're in a certain mood, there isn't quite a substitute for albums like transylvanian hunger, filosofem, nattens madrigal etc. within classical music, jazz, rock or electronica. but it's sad if some guys just...
  10. derbeder

    Metal vs Classical Music

    welpfolks is down, so i come back to see this thread. precious.
  11. derbeder

    Bands that abandoned and then returned to death growls

    tiamat, moonspell and amorphis each recorded their best albums (a deeper kind of slumber, sin/pecado and tounela respectively) about ten years ago with very little or no growls.
  12. derbeder

    Tiamat's Amanethes

    this album is utter junk unfortunately. i cringed so much i couldn't sit through half of some of the songs. i even liked 4-5 songs from prey. it looks like johan edlund needs to take whatever he was taking during wildhoney and a deeper kind of slumber sessions if he wants to make good music.
  13. derbeder

    You can Pre-order Watershed from The End Records

    definitely getting the vinyl package.
  14. derbeder

    Have you LOVED Opeth for more than two years?

    stilling listening to the band after 9 years.
  15. derbeder

    Did you like "Porcelain Heart" video?

    i expected dani filth to pop up any second. and the song sounds even more disjointed with this edit. not a good thing.
  16. derbeder

    Now Playing Thread

    Pierre Boulez - Piano Sonata no.3 (İdil Biret, piano)
  17. derbeder

    Portishead - Third

    i absolutely love the band's previous recordings and had very high expectations for this one. on the first few listens i didn't find it engaging. it's more down tempo than the other albums and just doesn't get all that interesting. it's by no means a poor album, of course, but after so many...
  18. derbeder

    News from the melloboat!!

    dinodance rules the shit out of all of um forums together ftr
  19. derbeder

    Portishead - Third

    this album is not up the band's high standards.
  20. derbeder

    Morningrise - Opeth's hardest to get into?

    i loved this album on first listen. i got mayh before this and found it harder to get into at the time. that was 9 years ago lol.