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  1. S

    New Guitar Project Day...

    Yeah, just like all those poxy good-for-nothing Warwicks... Steve
  2. S

    MFX or Pedal board for leads

    You just need a loop pedal - I'm sure Boss do a terrible one for like £100, but you can pick them up for like £30 on eBay. There's no need for active components either, so you can get ones that don't need a battery/power supply. Steve
  3. S

    Triggering kick from audio - Clip inside

    I can't listen to the clip at the moment, but if bleed is a big problem I would say: - Low-pass it like crazy - Boost the crap out of the 'thud' (really narrow) - Gate it to within an inch of it's life - really fast attack, really fast release. However much bleed there is, the low-end is...
  4. S

    Win7 guys, check this out....

    I've had it set up as a menu on my taskbar in Win7 64bit for about 9 months with no problems at all. Steve
  5. S

    Could you die if you seal-proof the window & door in your beedroom/home studio?

    "Photo" comes from the Greek for "light" or "shining" - photosynthesis literally means "produced by light". It is a chemical reaction completely dependant on light to occur. You are talking utter nonsense of the highest order. You might as well be suggesting that sound is made by tiny air...
  6. S

    Reasonable double kick speeds

    You should look up the Duallist Triple bass pedal. Now that's where it's really at :p Steve
  7. S

    Any lightweight metal axe you know of?

    The lower model Ltds (50, 100, a couple of the 250s too I think) are basswood too, they're really light. Steve
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    A lot of it works like this: • When you start getting into recording, you notice that you like a lot of records produced by [PRODUCER], • You read up what gear they use, and you try to get hold of the same stuff, • Because they are usually older than you, and they did the same...
  9. S

    Tuning Guitar To Match Singer's Range

    Yeah, basically: The guy in the video is trying to explain something that doesn't really have an explanation. Dropping your tuning if your singer is a bass/has a low timbre isn't a bad idea, but there's no standard method to it. Deftones are now using 8 strings and Chino is a tenor; Johnny...
  10. S

    physiological improvements for mixing

    Ginger is used to help motion sickness, which is more common in people with inner ear problems (like BPPV). It's kinda gross it just eat ginger, and ginger pills aren't as good as the fresh stuff, so your best bet is making a tea with it. Steve
  11. S

    The 'STUDIO DO'S AND DON'TS' thread.

    That's not strictly true. Dairy doesn't encourage phlegm production unless you're allergic/lactose intolerant - but the fat in it thicken the phlegm already present in your larynx. Thick phlegm is usually a sign of being ill, so your body's natural response is to try and expel it. Secondary...
  12. S

    How to make a really 'evil' voice

    Most horror movie evil voices are over-dubbed to fuckery - often by more than one person, but matched timing-wise as closely as possible. Mixing a light female whisper, a low croaky male voice and a deliberately "evil" sounding normal voice will already get you most of the way there before you...
  13. S

    I bought a gun today.

    The reason people over here (in the UK) don't get the gun thing is that we're taught about crime prevention, and guns are totally reactionary. If you want to stop someone breaking into your house, you get an alarm - even a fake alarm is enough to deter most people, as there are so many houses...
  14. S


    They got signed partly because the singer and "lead" guitarist's old band were on the verge of getting signed when they spilt up, and partly because the singer's dad has contacts. Their first gig was supporting Napalm Death I played bass for them for a bit, and the whole thing was like a...
  15. S

    Amazin Live Recording Sound: THE HAUNTED - ROAD KILL

    Seen them a few times live - the "show" is basically the guitarists/bassist switching sides every now and then, and the singer pacing between the monitors and the drum kit. They are madly tight and really intense though, which I'll take over running about like cocks any day of the week. Steve
  16. S

    New kind of pickups 3d sound!

    Firstly, one of my pickups has blades and not pole pieces. Your own argument suggests this is a better setup than the pickup you're trying to pimp out. Secondly, most guitars have two pickups. In fact, many people will argue that two humbuckers is in actually 4 pickups in real-terms. I'm...
  17. S

    Born Of Osiris Studio Update 2

    Sadly, unless the 2" tape is radioactive none of these things imbue you with the power to control other peoples opinions. By the time I was 21, I'd managed to work out that not everyone would like me or the things I do - and I spent several of those years shitting and pissing in my own clothes...
  18. S

    "THAT" black metal vocal reverb Steve
  19. S

    superior drummer 2's transient fx was made by??

    The idea is it makes the transients (the loudest parts) more/less obvious - on drums, it's about making the instant the stick/beater hits the skin really stand out. They also often have decay/sustain controls to adjust the 'ring' or fade out of the hit too, so for instance on a kick hit you can...
  20. S

    F***K this girl is from my country !

    See, this is why chicks don't get to play guitar - she's holding it all wrong. *Sigh* Steve