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  1. Return to Serenity

    CD Review - Metal Church - Congregation of Annihilation

    I think this is the best Church album from start to finish in a very long time. This band became stale as month old toast with Munroe, was happy to have Mike back while it lasted and loved the couple of albums they did with him back in the fold but this album knocks both of those albums on their...
  2. Return to Serenity

    Sorcerer: Reign of the Reaper

    I like their modern releases but always on the fence on loving them or not. The singer is a bit too Russell Allen meets Tony Martin and it all comes off as more along the lines of dark power metal or doom-lite.
  3. Return to Serenity

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Sorry to change topic but.. Maybe this isn't controversial but Apollo Papathanasio fucking sucks. I'm not familiar with his past projects.. but Spiritual Beggars have been one of my favorite bands for years and this guy hasn't impressed me at all since he joined. And it sucks because the last...
  4. Return to Serenity

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Not quite as good as Jug Fulla Sun but still an ass-kicker
  5. Return to Serenity

    Metal 2016

    Did he fuck your mom or girlfriend or something? We get it. You don't dig him. Personally he's in my top vocalists of all-time and and as someone else stated Lowe carried them. Death Magic Doom is my favorite of the three and probably my 2nd favorite Candlemass album. Pslams for the Dead was a...
  6. Return to Serenity


  7. Return to Serenity

    Top 10 Modern Classics

    A lot of interesting stuff going on to my ears, This isn't the first time I've loved a Melvins record others have despised though. Hostile Ambient Takeover is also a favorite of mine that gets no love.
  8. Return to Serenity

    Top 10 Modern Classics

    Primordial - Spirit The Earth Aflame Opeth - Ghost Reveries Tool - 10,000 Days (Come at me) Mastodon - Leviathan Baroness - Red Album Iron Maiden - Brave New World Enslaved - Vertebrae Candlemass - Death Magic Doom High on Fire - Death is this Communion (the) Melvins - Freak Puke Orange Goblin -...
  9. Return to Serenity

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    My favorite project Wino has been a part of
  10. Return to Serenity

    New forum feedback/sneak peeks

    I like the new forum a lot. which is saying something, most other forums and whatnot I've visited for years that have updated have been crap
  11. Return to Serenity

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Fargo and The Knick are two best shows on television. I refuse to watch endless torrents of capeshit shows.
  12. Return to Serenity


  13. Return to Serenity


  14. Return to Serenity


    on a major Drudkh kick and I don't see it ending soon
  15. Return to Serenity

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Iron Maiden hit my young imagination like a ton of bricks when I was 12 and still to this day now that nothing seems to have the same luster as in my youth Iron Maiden still deliver, the old and the new. Favorite band forever and always.
  16. Return to Serenity

    Testament is underrated!

    Kreator and Megadeth are the only bands that can light a candle to Testament for me when it comes to thrash. They are THE embodiment of thrash and all alone on the throne high above everyone else.