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    Hypocrisy "Hell over Australia" Tour 2013

    So Ocenic Sharks have fucked up another tour! Fuck him, the guy needs to quit the music business completely and never come back!
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    In Flames Aus tour details

    i really wouldn't call it an "australian tour"it's not as if they will really be touring more like playing 3 shows in 2 cities THERE IS MORE TO AUSTRALIA THAN SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE!!! it's starting to piss me off that all of these bands are coming out here (which is a mission in its self) but...
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    ATT the dirty bastards who stole my car & Amp

    ok ..... this is an open letter to the dirty low life scum that stole my car on sunday night!!! inside my car was my marshall 1960b cab and my trace elliot 100w combo. anyone who has seen Sweet Decay has seen my gear (and possibly my car, white fairmont geha early 90's model rego.. 663 icv)...
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    Self-Promotion Thread have a look METAL METAL METAL!!
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    Blood Duster at the Big Day Out

    fuck yea, good to see, the only other Australian metal band to tour the bdo was allegence back in the early 90's ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!! J
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    Something Very New!!!

    New band from the gold coast, have a look! just did our first show at the hard rock cafe here on the coast and drew more people than the other gigs in town that night! Not bad for a band no one has heard before!
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    Download the new iNFeCTeD EP for FREE!

    good to see you all again!
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    AUSTRALIA- Street Team?

    Hello all i'm on the team!! I just wanted to make myself known. looks like i will be working in the south eastern Queensland area so ...... ... .. well ..... ..... .. that's about all that i have for now!! J
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    Cutting The Hair

    i had very very long hair for a long time but living in Queensland Australia one summer it was just too fucking hot, so i got the shits and cut it all off, it is a damn side better now that i don't have to worry about it getting in the way and being a pain in the arse!
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    Mystic Circle (ger) Australian tour kicks off

    the simple fact is people that there is not much of a market for that kind of extreme underground music, pure and simple!!! i worked for a record company for 1 year selling that kind of thing and really, not many people are buying it at all!! and the reason it isn't being sold is lack of...
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    ole glenn is an interesting fellow. i interviewed him once (can't say it was the best interview that i had ever done) yea he did seem like a bit of a dick! but all in all he was just a normal dude...... just like his music very, normal! there is nothing really great about his band, yea they...
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    Ulver - Perdition City (The Music To An Interior Film)

    damn fine album that! I wish more people could get a hold of it!
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    Drummer, Needed, NOW!!!!

    Right, Gold Coast band Seven13 are after a new drummer! our current drummer is going to stay with us untill we find a new guy! The reason he is leaving is ....well he has no passion for the music! and we need some one that has tons of passion. the music is a pretty good mix of metal styles, we...
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    Damaged this weekend

    hey all that are going to the shows tell Matt to bring damaged to QLD for fucks sake!
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    Live set lengths, set variety & endurance these days

    metalicarus88 I DON'T THINK THAT YOU REALLY GET IT DUDE! the fact is i would be bored shitless if a band kept on putting out album after album of the same sounding songs. what is the point of that. what is the point of continuing down that well worn path, music and art are ment to push the...
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    Am I the only one who thinks TOOL is Overrated

    sounds like me when i was 16 ... then i grew up. c'mon man get over it you are missing out on great music. tool are a great band and they don't need to go out of their way for self promotion.
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    What's a good Vader album?

    live in japan was great. amazing live band SO FUCKING TIGHT. i would love to get to see them one day. also Japan has a great cover of "black Sabbath" but i dont think that you can go wrong with any vader album!
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    Australia's best Drummers!!!

    suds from Atomizer and Dreadnaught, dion from Penthus and matty rizzo from Blood duster / Order of Chaos.
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    Check the official Opeth page. DO IT NOW.

    do you know who the promoter is?
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    Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

    well the most ignorant thing i have heard was from an old "friend" who began a diatribe on how he hates anyone who isn't white ........ the really funny thing is he is part American Indian. he says all of this when he knows most of my friends are from non european backgrounds. not much of...