Search results

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    Pursuit on e-Bay

    I was just on e Bay and found a copy of Pursuit of the sun going for $61.00 Currently with 12 bids in the history. 6 hours left on it so it may go up higher. Thats crazy.
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    Metal Show that may be of interest to woods fans

    We are excited to play this show. It should be a good time. we will be driving around 4 hours to get there so it best be good. By the way. we now have copies of our New Split CD. There aren't very many so if you would like one, go to our website and get it. You can hear one track off of it...
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    Production In Black Metal

    Well thanks for the kind words.
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    Production In Black Metal

    Shadar Logoth is right. A large part of it is Budget. But on the other hand it definatly adds a new dimension to some bands. When I hear some low production CD's it just adds so much more to it. When you are trying to create a helpless atmosphere to your music you dont want everything to be...
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    New England Black Metal

    We have some new haunting melodies up right now. Coming up on our split with NH Black Metal Band Unknown Kadath. Check it out. - Aura Of Aquila
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    Any more of this North American blackish & acoustic doom?

    Thanks for the listen man. I really appreciate it.
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    Any more of this North American blackish & acoustic doom?

    My band posted a new song, that is coming out soon on the Split CD we are doing with Unknown Kadath. Check it out and let me know what you think. Any replies are appreciated.Thanks. - Jim Aura Of Aquila
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    Dark, depressive Black Metal from Brazil

    I checked out Thy Lights music the other day. it is some of the best stuff ive heard in a long time. I think everyone should check him out. Aura Of Aquila
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    Any more of this North American blackish & acoustic doom?

    I would recommend Shroud Of Bereavement from Mass. Those guys are awesome. Some of the best doom ive heard in a long time.
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    Listened to Against over the weekend

    I ordered that CD a while back from the end records. They sent me the case the booklet and everything shrink wrapped but it didnt have the CD in it. I was so excited to listen to it and so bummed out when it wasnt in their. I just thought that was a pretty funny story.