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  1. Casey Filth

    Photos du Hellfest

    I watch two videos from this concert. You are great! And new drummer is wonderful!:hotjump:
  2. Casey Filth

    What's next for Kalisia?

    And when you start record next album?:grin:
  3. Casey Filth

    Reviews for The Crown of Winter

    О-па! Ну вот и мою рецензию откапали... Извините, ког&#1086...
  4. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    А в результате опять будет "Союз"...:lol: Если вообщ&#1077...
  5. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    А вот это уже полный абзац(((( А Вы случайно напряму&#1102...
  6. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    Товарищи, а когда альбом наконец выйдет в Москв&#1077...
  7. Casey Filth

    Reviews for The Crown of Winter

    Thanks a lot!:)
  8. Casey Filth

    Reviews for The Crown of Winter

    In russian please!
  9. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    Today "The Crown Of Winter" is out! (theoretically):)
  10. Casey Filth

    What is your favorite "Skies" track?

    "Lost Soul" - is a best song on the demo! I thing...:rolleyes:
  11. Casey Filth

    The question?

    How about a session drummer?;)
  12. Casey Filth

    The question?

    Hi Brett! I wont to say, that Cybion is fucking great!!! And I wont to ask you: Kalisia is a studio band or not? If not, then where I can see your concert videos?:rock::)
  13. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    What label are release “CoW” in Russia? It will be Souz again?:)
  14. Casey Filth

    recent band's pics

    Kir vs Berserk... Round one... Fight!!! :lol::lol::lol:
  15. Casey Filth

    recent band's pics

    Wonderful photo!:) Zachem Kir tak korotko postrigsya? Ya ego ne srazy yznal...:rolleyes:
  16. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    It's fuckin' great! My congratulations!!!:kickass::rock::)
  17. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    Hey, guys! Where are you all? What's news about record? Do you know release date, or not yet?:rolleyes:
  18. Casey Filth

    Some very short tunes on myspace

    Very beautiful and atmosferic intro!:)
  19. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    If the Synthesizer will play everything - that will be darkwave!:)
  20. Casey Filth

    New record progress Updates

    Who play on keys is this album? You, Sonm or Elhella or you together?:rolleyes: