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  1. Hiss_

    London gig with Akercocke

    I almost didn't go to the gig coz I was in a fucking bad mood and I had lectures at 9am this morning. But thankfully I came to my senses! I was front row, against the barrier. It was amazing! At the Mean Fiddler in September I was somewhere in the middle, slowly dying of suffocation and not...
  2. Hiss_

    Which LOTR character are you?

    eowyn here.. *sigh*
  3. Hiss_

    new to the forum =)

    katatonic i cant stand to look at ur sig.. it disturbs me =/
  4. Hiss_

    new to the forum =)

  5. Hiss_

    Any Agalloch Fans?

    *meep* agreed :grin:
  6. Hiss_


    i also enjoy VERY much. BUY IT.
  7. Hiss_

    do you workout?

    doing power yoga once a week. when i got the time or if im stressed i do some overall stuff like abs, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, legs, chest. a one hour program. but i dont do it on a regular enough basis in order to make any difference. but its a good stress-relief. i used to do...
  8. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    yep freedom for choice. freedom for abortion... although they already have that in france.... i mean freedom. my examiner is the reincarnation of Hitler! me is scared
  9. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    *clears throat* L'avortement est autorisé en France depuis la Loi Veil de 1975. Cependant, de nombreux détracteurs continuent à affirmer qu'il s'agit ni plus ni mois d'un meurtre. En ce qui me concerne l'IVG - c'est à dire L'Interruption Volontaire de Grossesse - est un droit fondamental pour...
  10. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    "hi im Ian and Ive been pissed on by a timber wolf" :lol:
  11. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    :lol: VERY cool! smart wolf hehe
  12. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    they OWNED wolves?! cool wolves and felines i adore. :Spin:
  13. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    aww thx :) *observes the wolf in awe*
  14. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    lethe i like ur wolf
  15. Hiss_

    omg i have 2 dots!

    bah i still have one. how pathetic *goes to learn her french oral off by heart* :ill:
  16. Hiss_

    your pet name for your significant other

    i just call him by name mostly - although he just never seems to get himself into a position to need to call me at all! we sometimes call each other bitch or whore. the only time i ever call him "baby" is when we're in bed. this friend of mine calls her boyfriend "angel". i think thats sweet.
  17. Hiss_

    G'day Cobbers!

    actually this is the very first time uve posted anything out of the "important" threads and the "news" since ive been around here.. i think.. nice to finally meet u in person (sorta)
  18. Hiss_

    G'day Cobbers!

    *shrinks and hides under a not particularly large rock*
  19. Hiss_

    G'day Cobbers!

    erm.. are u ok? or is that how u normally speak =|
  20. Hiss_

    Has anyone ever tried meditation?

    well ur supposed to sort of meditate during power yoga by ur breathing and by keeping a specific gazing point... but i never managed to take it that deep yet. i need to concentrate on staying upright in the positions and stuff. anyway, ive only done about 7 classes. i got a long way ahead of me...