Search results

  1. Agonal

    KRK Rokit 6's and Schecter Acoustic

    here are the listings on ebay if interested, no reserve. KRK's Schecter acoustic/electric
  2. Agonal

    Little Labs Redeye DI/Reamp box

    I have a mint condition redeye for sale. $200 OBO Here is the link to the ebay auction:
  3. Agonal

    David Castillo - Ghostward studio question and answer

    David, On Dead End Kings how much post processing did you need to do to make the keys fit into the mix? My band has a lot of keys and sometimes its a struggle getting everything to blend nicely.
  4. Agonal

    Agonal single (fans of Katatonia, 7H7E, Swallow the Sun)

    Ok i have been notified that the link is down so here is a dropbox link:
  5. Agonal

    Agonal single (fans of Katatonia, 7H7E, Swallow the Sun)

    Check out the new Agonal single that will be on the upcoming album being released through Sanctus Gladius Records early 2013. We still are going to finish the keys and will probably tighten up the mix some so any feedback would be welcomed. Our...
  6. Agonal

    A Cold Sleep full album download

    After around two years in the making with touring and lineup changes we finally finished our album. For those who have never heard of us A Cold Sleep is a dark, symphonic melodic death metal band with female vocals and growls. We have many influences in the band from jazz and classical, to doom...
  7. Agonal

    the recordings begin

    the shred was just wankery for the video nothing that will actually end up on the final product.
  8. Agonal

  9. Agonal

    ENGL 2x12 w/v30s ... SM57+421 Fredman style...

    sounds nice, like it would fit it in a mix well.
  10. Agonal


    thanks. i agree i need to make the guitars less prominent for this mix. I want to make them less harsh but not too dark if possible. I also want to add more "body" to the female vocals. What is the best way to do this?
  11. Agonal


    The band is A Cold Sleep. Album is being released in April. Check it out and let me know what you think of the material/mix. Thanks! /Jon
  12. Agonal

    New STS album streaming at

    listened to the album several times. I think its great, clean vocal sections remind me of Katatonia.
  13. Agonal

    Melodic Doom (Agonal)

    here is a song from the latest Agonal album:
  14. Agonal

    Deadhouse cover

    Here is my cover of "Deadhouse" by Katatonia. Check out my bands music here:
  15. Agonal

    Toontrack Metal Machine (new EZX)

    it honestly doesn't sound much different with the compression off i only compressed it lightly...the samples have a lot of compression on them already. i used the ludwig snare and that is just how it sounds. I actually wouldn't use any of the drums on an actual mix except the toms, i like those...
  16. Agonal

    Toontrack Metal Machine (new EZX)

    yeah, i added compression to the snare only because it wasn't cutting. i probably shouldn't have done that but it seemed like a good idea at the time lol.
  17. Agonal

    Toontrack Metal Machine (new EZX) short clip with metal machine
  18. Agonal

    A very special thanks to the most metal man on earth.

    Discovered this forum years ago, and over the years, the knowledge shared by Andy and all you guys helped me achieve mixes that I can be proud of. Thanks Mr. Sneap for creating this forum for without its existence I don't see our musical projects/careers being where they are today. Long live the...
  19. Agonal

    Dark Melodic Metal This is the first track of my new album I just released. Check it out and let me know what you think of the mix and music. If you like this song you can download or stream the entire album here: