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  1. DHG

    Recent Purchases

    Norther was good... 5 years ago? (wait, apparently they have never been good)
  2. DHG

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Press Shift + Alt at the same time, it should get back to normal.
  3. DHG

    Deathcore music

    I gotta agree with the crazy violin guy, deathcore, metal, rock, etc, those kinda belong into the very large category of popular music, if, of course, you oppose it to classical music.
  4. DHG

    What are you listening to?

  5. DHG

    The Game Thread

    ^oh yeah my bad anyway the worst controls in FPS were in the late 90's where a bunch of games had set by default the 4 direction keys, right ctrl/shift for crouch/sprint/whatever, 0(numpad) to reload or some shit like that.
  6. DHG

    The Game Thread

    What about hmm... strafing? o.0
  7. DHG

    What are you listening to?

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Angle of Repose
  8. DHG

    The Game Thread

    most awesome thing... ever
  9. DHG

    The Game Thread

    Was hoping VALVe would release something on the 1st of april, last year was so epic with the jarate. Anyway, still playing TF2! Just crafter a sweet Prussian Pickelhaube today. :D
  10. DHG

    What are you listening to?

    Schubert impromptus by Brendel.
  11. DHG


    ROFLMAO But eh it's from finland, must be good!
  12. DHG

    Watch Me Play Keyboard & Guitar With Myself (Homage to AL & RL's Vivaldi piece)

    No offense but it sounds bad on a keyboard (and I can't stand Chopin :Puke:)
  13. DHG


    There is something tonight!!
  14. DHG

    The Game Thread

  15. DHG

    The Game Thread

    Bioshock 2 in a couple of days... hell yeah!
  16. DHG

    The Game Thread

    Torchlight aka Diablo 2.5 is a good game. :)
  17. DHG

    What's worse than a forum full of newfags?

    hey im a newfag here and I believe that the lady gaga thread is a joke :hypno:
  18. DHG

    The Game Thread

    Oh well, its too late now. :mad: