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  1. slashvanyoung


    At a loss for words...
  2. slashvanyoung

    Turn your corpse into Vinyl

    THIS would make for the ultimate trve kvlt Black Metal release: Strongly limited to 1 to 5 copies (depending on the number of band members). Somebody call Kvarforth, he might be interested.
  3. slashvanyoung

    We had a housewarming party this weekend and...

    At least someone probably noticed what happened and covered that spineless cunt's back. "Friends" ftw...
  4. slashvanyoung

    Apple TV

    Don't the Roku boxes offer quite a bit more for about half the price?
  5. slashvanyoung

    Gary Holt to fill in for Hanneman

    I thought Kerry might choose his on-again buddy Robb Flynn, but Gary is a nice surprise. Jeff Waters would have been a great choice and good fit too. Would love to see this but at the same time I'm hoping for Jeff to recover as quickly as possible. HE'S the dude that wrote "Raining Blood" and...
  6. slashvanyoung

    Who remembers Pharao by Sierra?

    The predecessor, the "Caesar" series, was also really good. Great games.
  7. slashvanyoung

    The Rock comes back to WWE

    He's one of the very last few who carry an aura like the greats of the 80s and 90s did. That larger-than-life persona that also made guys like Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior legends, despite lack of actual technical ability. His return is ironic in a way that it shows just how interchangeable...
  8. slashvanyoung

    Congracz to Ermz!

    Happy birthday! *cue random joke about giant spiders, prisoners and boxing kangaroos*
  9. slashvanyoung

    Happy birthday Felix!

    Alles erdenkliche Gute zum Geburtstag, Kumpel! Alter Sack... ;)
  10. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

    Thanks again! Boxers are great dogs too, as well as bull terriers. ;) Emma goes berserk: :)
  11. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

    Emma goes berserk... :)
  12. slashvanyoung

    Gary Moore RIP

    People sometimes overlook that he was a very solid singer too. The full package of talent. As a guitar player, his tone and control were outstanding to me. Can't remember him ever hitting a bad note or not putting passion into a bending.
  13. slashvanyoung

    Gary Moore.

    Every time yanks complain about how "boring" football is, I wonder if they ever saw a baseball match. ;) j/k The handegg games I saw were pretty suspenseful. But those were all pretty close matches. Don't know if it's as good with a clearly dominating team given the many interruptions in...
  14. slashvanyoung

    Gary Moore.

    Now he can rock with Phil again. Great player and singer too. Met him once and heard rumors that he can be a bit of a cunt, but he was really nice and laid back. If the Super Bowl wouldn't have been in the middle of the night, I would have watched it. The last few years were pretty...
  15. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

  16. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

    Buck was indeed epic. He never ever even barked at a human. With his 15 years he was in better shape than most dogs half his age. And then suddenly this... tears my heart out. But he didn't had to suffer long and he lived a great life. I cried like a baby while I was preparing his grave...
  17. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

    Thanks guys! Yeah, she still has some house-training to do but it gets better by the day. She runs in circles like a lunatic when she needs to drop a "surprise". ;) So far, she seems healthy/active and she doesn't have trouble to breathe. Makes solid poo and eats like a champion. :D We did...
  18. slashvanyoung

    Your latest CD purchases

  19. slashvanyoung

    Gary Moore RIP

    That's what I was thinking too. Met him once, he was nice and in a good mood. I'm still quite in shock about the news.
  20. slashvanyoung

    Meet Emma... (puppy content)

    Hey guys and gals, the last few weeks had been pretty rough. Having just slightly recovered from lots of family related tragedies and (health) issues, our 15 year old husky mix "Buck" suddenly suffered a major stroke ( a "real" stroke, a rare occurrence with dogs) which forced us to put him...