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  1. doc_backmask

    Lineup News

    Well if this isn't great news! I always enjoyed Eric's bass playing, so I'm glad to see him back in the driver's seat (I hope I kept it warm enough for ya!). Can't wait to hear the new stuff!
  2. doc_backmask

    What's the fuck is wrong with you guys? (Sturgis rant inside)

    I believe this is why we still all congregate here. Even the greatest minds and ears of the art can still find the time to push their own boundaries. We may never know whether or not every single album made by any of these gentlemen we collectively revere (ie: Joey, Andy, James, etc...) is in...
  3. doc_backmask

    Stop motion video

    Jesus. That was easily one of the most creative uses of art I've seen in a long time (but I spent 10 years in Santa Barbara where breathing deeply counts as creative). Although, I must also admit, the tune was kinda catchy, I'd be willing to bet a great song could come out of that beat...
  4. doc_backmask

    What do you Sneapsters do as day jobs?

    Fantastic! Mine is a 115 year old, but the seller just flipped it. Refinished the hardwood floors and original trim, put in new tile kitchen, updated baths, bed carpeting. Basically, I got a brand new home that was built in the 1800s! Pretty stoked about it. My wife loves older homes.
  5. doc_backmask

    What do you Sneapsters do as day jobs?

    Interesting, I hope to close on a house in the next couple weeks... Day job = biotechnology (not pharma/drugs) post-doc scientist. Protecting the world from massive infestations of food poisoning and pesticides.
  6. doc_backmask

    Korg x5d 61 key keyboard (cash or trade for 5 string bass)

    The neck is very comfortable, especially for a 5-string. I had an Ibanez Soundgear 4-string when I first got this bass and had no problem switching back and forth between the two. The frets were much gentler on my fingers than the Ibanez, especially for B string slides. The rosewood on the...
  7. doc_backmask

    Shhh... life's little secrets

    Yeah, a very sore point for me the first time I tried to get my air filled after leaving that state. Too bad they still make you pay for smog checks every couple years, plus a smog abatement fee every year you register, plus an "environmental" fee, and I don't even know what that's for???
  8. doc_backmask

    UFO over Dublin City

    Actually, the invisibility cloaks are not too far-fetched. As a scientist in the nanomaterials/metamaterials fields, I've seen this technology advancing. Negative refractive indices exist for wavelengths in the millimeter range (microwave frequencies), and a lot of interest exists to get them...
  9. doc_backmask

    Korg x5d 61 key keyboard (cash or trade for 5 string bass)

    I have an ESP LTD F255FM (see-through black cherry red) back in Cali that I don't play anymore (due to also having an F405FM) that I'd be willing to trade if you're interested. However, it won't be here in Ohio with a case until Feb 21 (I wouldn't ship it without a case, unfair to you and...
  10. doc_backmask

    How Did you Descover Daylight Dies?

    Andy Sneap forum, who knows how long ago?
  11. doc_backmask

    Old time radio fans?

    Not sure you'll need a new HD. One 700MB cd holds about 40hrs of OTR! My dad burned me five discs before the trip and I only made it through one! Glad you found it useful. Cheers, Richard
  12. doc_backmask

    recommend your favorite mixes!

    Arch Enemy - Anthems Arch Enemy - Doomsday Opeth - Deliverance A Perfect Circle - eMOTIVe Tool - Lateralus Tool - 10,000 Days Soilwork - STAGD Daylight Dies - Lost to the Living Dark Tranquility - Fiction Dark Tranquility - Projector Muse - Black Holes & Revelations
  13. doc_backmask

    Should we make this forum more about Andy and production?

    I think the subforums have helped to clean up a lot of the mess that used to be out here in the main forum. That said, some of the main forum stuff still is OT, and some of the OT stuff should actually be out here. I'm sure the moderating job is difficult, and who really has the time to read...
  14. doc_backmask

    *Check out my bands NEW VIDEO*

    I agree with all of the above. Your music, playing and general rambunctiousness make me want to get back of my lazy *** and find a band out here. It's great to see camaraderie and honest fun in a video. And Jeff is completely right, the Pope yell was fantastic!
  15. doc_backmask

    Sneap forumers bands you dig

    How about CYNIC? They rule and forumer (ex?, haven't seen him in a while) Brett KALISIA did get to guest sing with them... Although, that probably doesn't fit the "strict" nature of this thread :rock:
  16. doc_backmask

    Old time radio fans?

    Check this place out. There are almost too many shows to list. I was pointed here by my dad a few years back and found some hidden gems. The best way to drive across the country is to make a few mp3 cd's of these and go (the wife and I just did that last May and are doing it again in Feb).
  17. doc_backmask

    just uploaded my last song...

    If I might make a suggestion, add the extra years in two year stints. You'll get more frequent and higher re-enlist bonuses. I've many friends and family members in the service (one of whom actually just retired after 22 years SEAL), and they all suggested this to me when I was considering...
  18. doc_backmask

    My Kama Sutra Buddy

    I'm dying here... "little man" + "BBW" + "acrobat" :rock: And they're reaction is great
  19. doc_backmask

    FS/FT: Peavey 810TVX Bass Cab - SoCal Sneapsters Special $150

    Great! I was hoping to sell it in Cali (before I move it out here), but if there's interest here, I will definitely bring it out. It won't be brought here until the end of Feb, though. That is when my wife and the rest of our "stuff" from Cali comes out to Dayton.
  20. doc_backmask

    I Hate Jackets...

    I had a very similar problem this fall. FWIW, I found a black Clairborne (sp?) outerwear faux-suede jacket that fit well. The arms are a little bit too puffy for my arms, but the rest of the fit is nice and snug, with enough room to wear a couple layers of warmth. Cheers, Richard