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  1. B

    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    I've put a good amount of work into this updated mix with better bass processing, some Snare and kick tweaks as well. I have not done anything with the humanizing of the drums. Would love some feedback.
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    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    I will see if I can get a screen shot of my EQ setting and post them here. Thank you for the feedback.
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    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    I went back and reexamined my mixes, listened to the advise above and I think they are sounding much better. Defiantly thicker and fuller. I hope NOT muddy or muddier than the original mixes. I put all 3 songs on a single file below. Any and all feed back and comments welcome, thank you...
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    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    Drums do have some humanizing added and a lot of this style of music I feel it fits. I’ve tried a bunch of different bass tones and can’t seem to find one that works. I think I did too much EQ on the drums. Still lots to learn.
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    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    I’ve always disliked the high tuned slam snare sound. I did a lot of EQ work to make the drums cut thru, now I think I did too much.
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    Slam/Death Metal mix feedback?

    Hello, I'd love some feedback on my mixes below. I've mixed and remixed a bunch of times and this seems the best I can do with my little knowledge. At this point I'm pretty happy but would love some feedback as to how to make slight tweaks to make them better. Maybe they suck, maybe not...
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    Parametric EQ or Waves SSL E?

    What’s the difference from using a parametric EQ compared to something like the Waves SSL E? They are both making cuts/boost correct? Are you able to get the same results from a parametric EQ as with the Waves? Still very new to mixing and wanting to know the difference. Thank you.
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    EZMix and Death Metal....?

    I've uploaded a new mix with now removing the Mid Master cut...
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    EZMix and Death Metal....?

    The link below has screen shots of everything on my Master Bus as well as the unmastered track. The overall sound of this song/album I'm trying to get is something like the band HATE and the album "Anaclasis, A Gospel Of Malice And Hatred" Maybe I took out too much Mids on the Master Bus that's...
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    EZMix and Death Metal....?

    To me the new mix sounds more polished by maybe I’m listening to the wrong things. I have too much more than likely on my master buss. If u like I can take a bunch of screen shots and upload a zip file to Dropbox...? It’s not to easy to post screen shots here.
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    Tech Death Metal Mix

    Nice song and sweet mix. I’m still learning to mix and this is really nice and clean while still having some balls.
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    EZMix and Death Metal....?

    Thank you two for the feedback, very much appreciate. I took some time and effort and uploaded a new mix. Personally I like the drum playing and don't think it sound to robotic but at this time I'm more trying to focus of the overall mix. I'm having a hard time bringing the overall volume up...
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    Death Metal Mix Feedback...?

    Nothing? No one?
  14. B

    Andy Sneap C4 using Reaper Plugin?

    Thank you for the Reaper RealXcomp. I used it on this chunky song below and it did help with the chugs. I'd love some feedback on the overall mix of this song. Just scratch tracks and a few notes off here or there but more or less looking for feedback on the mix. 6 String Jackson (Christian...
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    Death Metal Mix Feedback...?

    I'd love some feedback on the overall mix of this song. Just scratch tracks and a few notes off here or there but more or less looking for feedback on the mix. 6 String Jackson (Christian Olde Wolbers) tuned to Drop B Daw = Reaper Guitars = EZMix I didn't want to tune my bass down so there's a...
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    Andy Sneap C4 using Reaper Plugin?

    Yes sorry I meant RealXcomp. I’ve tried it before with almost the same setting you have posted. It did keep the palm mites in check but it also added a flutter to the guitars that I could not get resolved.
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    Andy Sneap C4 using Reaper Plugin?

    Anyone able to explain how do use Reapers RealComp to achieve the Andy Sneap C4 setting on Guitars?
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    EZMix and Death Metal....?

    Hello all, I would like to use EZMix to get a solid demo recording. The song below is all EZMix along with some EQ (I'll post a screen shot of the EQ) and then some EXMix master plugin. The few vocals are just place holders as well as the solo so don't pick those apart... I tried using Reapers...
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    Behemoth - Ov Fire And The Void (full cover with vox)

    This is pretty damn good.