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  1. ProggyMike

    What are you learning?

    Just some thrash at the mo. Some Megadeth, Slayer, Testament... A few Dream theater songs, kinda, I can'T play the solos or a lot of the parts actually :lol: I suck at lead work, but I'm learning. I have the easy ones like Another Day and Silent Man. Got all of the rhythm down to Fatal...
  2. ProggyMike

    Your last purchase??

    Peavey 5150 combo Dream Theater - Score DVD :kickass:
  3. ProggyMike

    So Symphony X's Paradise Lost leaked.

    I got the album in about April from InsideOut, and I wasn't a huge fan at first (SymX are one of my top bands too), but after a few listens it grew on me. Fave song is surprisingly The Sacrifice.
  4. ProggyMike

    The "I Really Want To Buy This" Thread

    This has totally changed lol. No more Vetta (Not yet anyways) No more Blackbird No more Caparison or RR5 I'm still getting my M-II painted, sticking with my Duncans though Stil getting my cheap relic Strat And I'm soon to get a Fender Jazz 4 string, I played a 5 not so long ago and...
  5. ProggyMike

    New gear - Peavey 5150

    Absolutely amazing combo to say the least. It's in perfect condition, and it's got casters as its a heavy bugger! But seriously, wow. At first I was a bit wary, because I'd heard bad things about the clean tone, but it's fine! It's not the best, but it's certainly not bad! But obviously, I...
  6. ProggyMike

    Favorite concept albums

    Rush - 2112 Dream Theater - Scenes From a Memory Savatage - Streets (That's a concept right?) And plenty of concept songs (I know all songs are concept in a way, but I mean long epics :P )
  7. ProggyMike

    The "I Really Want To Buy This" Thread

    Within the next couple of months... Line6 Vetta II Epiphone Blackbird Caparison Horus/Jackson RR5 (Depending on monies) Vintage Icon Strat Possibly a Fender Jazz 5 string And other assorted goodies, like a new tuner etc. Also getting my M-II painted white, and a set of Nailbombs put in.
  8. ProggyMike

    "Paradise Lost" Review

    He works at InsideOut and has never heard them? :lol:
  9. ProggyMike

    Amp information

    I advice to stay away from the Spiders. Just my opinion though. Best cheap SS amp IMO is the Peavey Bandit.
  10. ProggyMike


    Yeh, got it a few months ago from InsideOut, tis cool :)
  11. ProggyMike

    Amp information

    I've never tried it with a High gain valve amp, so I wouldn't know for sure, I only assumed. I have a custom built valve amp, low gain, gets a kickass classic rock tone out of it when I get it really cranked. Thats why they invented attenuators right? So you could turn you amp up full, but...
  12. ProggyMike

    Paradise Lost review on GLOBAL DOMINATION

    I can't believe you bashed The Sacrifice!! Best song on the album! The chorus is amazing!
  13. ProggyMike

    Symphony X photos from BBKINGS

    The last one made me chuckle.
  14. ProggyMike

    Amp information

    My advise if your getting a valve amp, is don't overdo it. there's nothing worse than buying an amazing amp, then finding it's too loud to crank! My advise is to get a small valve amp, that way you can crank it, and really get the good sound!!
  15. ProggyMike

    the words no guitarist wants to hear from their teacher

    There is no "wrong" way; unless it's totally retarded.
  16. ProggyMike

    New album is amazing

    I got the album through InsideOut about a month ago; promo DJ deal y'see. I'm not gonna spoil anything for anyone, but I will say it's one of my favourite SX albums, you all have a great thing coming to you!:kickass: Look out for The Sacrifice ;) EDIT - D'oh, didn't realise there's...
  17. ProggyMike

    I ran into Michael Pinnella last night.

    Isn't that just the same as seeing them live then? :erk:
  18. ProggyMike

    Amp Recommendations?

    Forget Marshall, Line6 etc. Best cheap solid state amp going is the Peavey Bandit by far. Try one out, you won't regret it.
  19. ProggyMike


    That sucked =/
  20. ProggyMike

    Lets have a pics thread :)

    *Only*? It beats the shit out of any Ricky I've played. It's a 1977 Japanese Aria.