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  1. BKMusic

    Supremacy's new album out 2006.

    Beautiful words Nawar, so much hard work put in, I was blown away when I get sent album, Amazing work by everyone on board. Beau
  2. BKMusic

    Vicious Circle , The New Album

    Oh, What a killer of an album, Im loving it man!
  3. BKMusic

    Hello I'm new

    Thanks mate:)
  4. BKMusic

    Supremacy , Live 27-January-2007

    Youch I dont like the look of that hippie bloke up far right! HAHA. Nice photo's man great job! BK:OMG: :notworthy
  5. BKMusic

    Supremacy, Live CD LAunch

    HAHA thanks man, They must catch alight from your fretboard ;). Cant wait for the launch!BK
  6. BKMusic

    Hello I'm new

    Hey There, I'm new to this neck of the wood's. Vicious Circle material is amazing to work on. Will be alot of fun live and in the studio!. Take Care all. Beau Karnaghan
  7. BKMusic

    Supremacy, Live CD LAunch

    Oh My first Post man! Live Show CD Launch will be a blast cant wait...workin hard. Take Care Supremacy. BK