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    Beards and Broadswords (Internet Radio Show)

    Hail and kill all! I'm the host of a folk/viking/pagan metal internet-only radio show broadcasting every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM EST! Spamming the hell out of it so we can get more listeners :) - B&B Facebook Page...
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    Heathen Crusade Retrospective Radio Show

    Sorry for the sort of spam here but in honor of the last 3 Heathen Crusades, I'll be hosting a retrospective on my radio show, Beards and Broadswords (! Tune in at 6 PM EST Tonight!
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    Suggest Bands!

    Didn't they try to get a lineup to play live at one point? Wonder what happened with that
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    A few threads that must be shared to help out those who never made the journey...

    Had to bump this thread, just to hype up part 4 :P
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    Suggest Bands!

    I love the lineup so far. Just missing that straight up doom band and a seriously brutal black metal band :)
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    Suggest Bands!

    In all seriousness,some sort of tribute to David from Woods of Ypres seems appropriate since they were one of HC3's headliners, and I doubt I'll have the money to travel to Canada this year for the fest in his honor.
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    Suggest Bands!

    I'm pretty sure what song everyone wants to hear by them :P With that said, I'm pretty sure we're guaranteed to hear that song at least once that weekend even if they're not there.
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    If you guys have an excuse to bring back Mael Mordha... Borknagar would be a bit pricey but I'd pay extra to see them!!
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    MORBID FUCKING SAINT (attn: lurch and other hellthrashers)

    I was at that Philly show. it was seriously intense. Hope they're planning on doing some more touring!
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    the official Woods of Ypres thread

    RIP to a brilliant song writer and overall cool guy in the scene.
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    Good Bye My Friend

    I'm seriously saddened. Got to see them at Heathen Crusade 3 as well as share a few beers with the band. David was insanely nice and cool to talk to. Rest in Peace!
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    italian black/death metal

    How can you mention Italian thrash and not mention Bulldozer?
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    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    I post like once a year here, but that's still way more then I'll post on the GMD. Seriously, I think even the Bodom Off-topic forums ( few friends of mine post there) have way more relevance then the GMD. It's like Blabbermouth's comment section on there. And back to the topic at hand... I...
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    Thump... Thump... Thump....

    Of course I'll be at this... the other 3 were among the best weekends of my life!!!
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    And in an effort to get people posting here again...

    I wrote this in June, but hey, the board's been dead so might as well post something. A review of the first Heathen Crusade, complete with pictures.
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    Eluveitie OUT of Paganfest...

    This turned out to be really good. Moonsorrow and Primordial killed it and played a ton longer then I thought.
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    Wacken reviews?

    Oh they do have the ditches, it's just a matter of camping nowhere near them, which is easy if you show up on Wednesday instead of Thursday. We were fairly close to one of those in 2008 but definitely had no problems. Most people just find a bush to pee in instead.
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    Wacken reviews?

    The camping is half the excitement. You miss all of the parties if you hotel it, and the camping isn't bad at all. They do have port-a-potty's everywhere and a pay toilet that's cleaned on the hour, food places everywhere, beer everywhere, and even a shower. We usually just go to a camping store...
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    Wacken reviews?

    It has...trying to write a review of it is bringing back all those visions of liters of alcohol and the headaches associated with them the morning after :P Meaning I may write a Wacken review when I get off my lazy ass.