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  1. C

    New Forest Stream live vid...

    yeah I've added you guys on there, but didn't see that vid in the videos section, SO! Figured I post it anyway.
  2. C

    New Forest Stream live vid...

    Hey there guys. Sorry to crash in on the announcement of the new live video you guys have. But it's been up for a while now and I figure there'd be some fans dying to see it!!! Sonm's growling vox are to die for. The atmosphere overall is to die...
  3. C

    Last Seaon Purity.

    :wave: Dunno about anyone else, but I can't really download that LSP.rar. I don't understand the Russian! Are you able to upload to rapidshare or something similar?
  4. C

    6th of March... FS is to Headline Flame of Sorrow Fest

    congrats guys. Remember to take ya soundie!
  5. C

    New record progress Updates

    :Saint: nice try
  6. C

    New record progress Updates

    Lol. Sonm, if knew you were going to put that in your review section then i would've been more formal. Also, in conjunction with sonm's amazing vox (such an improvement might i add- great mix of brutal lows and smooth yet dirty highs), you guys did not credit the female vocals on the title...
  7. C

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    :erk: well that just makes sad. I hope at least that we'll be able to see some of it eventually.
  8. C

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    yeh yeh yeh what HE said. Are we there yet!?
  9. C

    New record progress Updates

    Hey dudes and dudette. I finally got my hands on this album here in Australia, along with a horde of other albums from CD Universe. But I must say, I've been pushing the Behemoths and Anathemas aside, because The Crown of Winter is just gorgeous. So gorgeous I actually did my weights workout...
  10. C

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    it's sad to hear that guys. I know what it's like to have shitty sound engineers. I have in the past had a sound engineer that was always good, so we kept him with us, and sometimes they're unavailable, or the venue says their sound engineer is really good yadda-yadda and so we didn't go with...
  11. C

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    Wow! I figured by the sound she'd upgraded. Those XP30's are old school! No reason to upgrade then I suppose!
  12. C

    Metaltown 2010 & Forest Stream

    gahhhh I don't know what's wrong. I log in, vote, and says I need to sign in. I even activated the account via the automated email. Friggin! Can't vote for something I can't even go to.
  13. C

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    good luck people!
  14. C

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    Ahh curses. English plllleeeeeeease dudes. I don't want to get my Samarian girlfriend to translate too much for me! So how'd the recording go? Did you guys manage to record the visuals for the dvd? I noticed a fan on youtube put up 3 amateur vids of the show - only ToMS tracks. They looked...
  15. C

    Sleepy, early, and listening to Forest Stream

    These are gorgeous mate. Why is it that my girlfriend who relocated to Australia says Russian winters are boring and ugly. She lived in Samara though, maybe they have bad winters? I imagined listening to a few tracks from ToMS while looking at these photos - quite suitable!
  16. C

    Should we Cure Aging?

    I believe that the general enthusiasm of human beings and their willing to live would drop. What the hell am I on about you wonder? Ever heard the saying we live like we'll never die, and die like we never lived. People don't make the most of their lives because their ignorant of death. Knowing...
  17. C

    Live event on October 12, 2008 in Moscow

    Holy snapping duck shit guys that was insane... good work. :zombie:
  18. C

    Live event on October 12, 2008 in Moscow

    Fark. That's a quick arsed song. You're all fast enough to play that bloody song?!?!?! I want to see youtube proof! Video or it didn't happen! :lol: I hope you guys don't slip away from playing ToMS when the new album is out. Too many bands do that.
  19. C

    Sleepy, early, and listening to Forest Stream

    Sonm, you were saying........... :Saint:
  20. C

    Sleepy, early, and listening to Forest Stream

    Really? You prefer the digitalised 2D form rather than seeing the REAL thing??? You do not like getting out in the wild? Sonm, please do show us what has inspired ToMS :)