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  1. PhilR

    Live dvd sound

    Lamb Of God's DVD had a better mix than any of their studio albums. That made me LOL just a little bit.
  2. PhilR

    Bloody Bass Guitar

    The mix on "metallica" is a very mid-heavy bass sound. Very very tight, sculpted to fit into the scoop of the guitars. Newstead himself once described it as being tailored to fill out the frequencies left by the guitars. But his ability to play incredibly tight, consistant basslines shoudn't be...
  3. PhilR

    Bad bass players...

    My place, 4 days, and still hasn't finished tracking 5 songs. Engineer hell? This is it. Fortunatly I'm not the one in the hot seat. Honestly, I could have walked in there cold, learned the songs and tracked all of them in less than a day. 4 days??? For less than 5 songs??? The shame alone would...
  4. PhilR

    what is your tuning & strings gauge ?

    Guitar: DIY kit-built Les Paul copy Tuning: DGCFAD / CGCFAD Strings: .11/.15/.22/.30/.42./.54
  5. PhilR

    Does anyone sing anymore?

    It's a good question. I guess it's all a confidence thing. People who can get up and scream on stage often cringe if asked to sing, even when they might actually be fully capable of doing it.
  6. PhilR

    What instrument do you play?

    Primarily bass, but my drumming is catching up and I work on my guitar whenever I have time.
  7. PhilR

    Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk

    The recording of the piano work is incredible. I love hearing the sweep of the notes running down to the bass end of the keys and the pedals thumping in the background. It just sounds.... real.
  8. PhilR

    just saw deftones live

    Deftones are probably playing better right now than they have in nearly 10 years. I'd seen them twice before in the White Pony & S/T album tours and both shows were progressively meh. During Chino's fatass period there wasn't any point watching them as they looked like they just couldn't be...
  9. PhilR

    Live sound guys Urgent help please!

    Stereo subs are largely unneccessary as bass frequencies tend to be omnidirectional.
  10. PhilR

    Sun has been emitting unknown particles, carbon dating may be completely off

    "carbon" dating is only useable for samples up to 68000 years old anyway. There's a whole slew of alternative dating methods used in the correct testing of fossil samples, most of which are conveniently ignored.
  11. PhilR


    Haha not bad! Reminded me of Strapping Young Lad quite a lot. I can imagine Devin going nuts over that anyway.
  12. PhilR

    Does Anyone Know Why Reaper Doesn't Allow Me To Import Midi Flams and Quick Rolls

    Reaper doesn't automatically quantize midi. Why would it? That would be a pretty obnoxious feature. You're not stating where you're getting your MIDI source file from though. Some software such as Guitar Pro will output files that contain data that technically violates the MIDI data spec and...
  13. PhilR

    Drum Recording - The Result

    Sounds really good. Even with just a little bus eq and comp you've got a totally workable drum sound.
  14. PhilR

    Check IT Out! (Music Video)

    This video pretty much sums up every single thing that is shit about the genre it hails from. I give it 4/5 on the CallOfTheWintermoon scale of awful metal videos.
  15. PhilR

    just sharing something with you guys...

    The guy in question considered himself to no longer be a full-on alcoholic as he only consumed 7 bottles of vodka a week instead of 14.
  16. PhilR

    just sharing something with you guys...

    I used to work with a guy that did that. Crazy alcoholic Scotsman. He went home drunk one night and just went crazy, absolutely destroyed the place. He even admitted it wasn't the first time as well. It wasn't even down to an argument as he was alone, he said he just flipped over something he...
  17. PhilR

    Editing/Mixing practice song for thems that want it

    I think you may have made a mistake with the sample rate somewhere...
  18. PhilR

    Editing/Mixing practice song for thems that want it

    Made a mix of my own for shitz & gigglez. Included a downright Devin-esque number of bass drops. BOOM!
  19. PhilR


    More than likely stolen to order. I've had to repair the aftermath of 2 burglaries at the studio I built. The second time we lost 2.5k worth of mics, never saw them again and they never showed up on either gumtree or ebay. They're probably gracing the bedroom studio of several wannabe gangsta...
  20. PhilR

    Friend's Band, No drum replacement of any kind, hlep

    I'd say back off on the compression more than a little bit. The drums sound crushed to death.