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  1. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Anyone here into silent films? I've been watching a lot lately. Focusing mainly on the 1910s right now, but I've seen a good amount of stuff from the 20s as well.
  2. NinjaGeek

    RIP Peter Steele

    Freaky, I randomly got the urge to listen to some Type O yesterday for the first time in years. Type O also happened to be the first metal concert I ever went to. RIP Peter Steele
  3. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread
  4. NinjaGeek

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Listen to a lot of Cardiacs (Embed Disabled) (More Embed Disabled)
  5. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    I'm not particularly a big fan of it, but Martyrs is one that's getting a lot of attention. It's pretty damn brutal. Not really my thing, but there's a good chance you'll enjoy it.
  6. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Just watched 28 Days Later for the first time. Guess I'm a bit late to jump on this ship. But wow, what a steaming pile of shit. I was kind of on the fence about Danny Boyle before, but after sitting through this incompetent mess I'm not sure how much hope there is for him to redeem himself.
  7. NinjaGeek

    Mysterious/Unexplained Awesome Stuff

    Anyone familiar with the Dyatlov Pass incident? Full Article: This may not be the best or most accurate article, I don't know where I first read this so this was just the first article I found on google...
  8. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Looking Forward To: A Serbian Film
  9. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Anderson still has a lot of followers, but it's been long enough that it's now equally as fashionable to call his movies crap. Just depends on which circles you run in.
  10. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Django is crap too.
  11. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Too bad the rest of the movie is crap.
  12. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Blame the dumb fans, not Burton.
  13. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    As much as we like to pretend, being the director doesn't make you the god of the film. Many directors are quite involved with the overall look of the film, but some only work with the performance of the actors. Now I'm not Tim Burton's biggest fan, but saying he didn't contribute much to...
  14. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    I've king of gotten out of the habit of posting my movie watchings here, but I just went on a huge rant about Alice in Wonderland so I'll share it here if anyone is interested. Alice in Wonderland - Gonna completely "spoil" this movie because well there's really nothing to spoil, it pretty...
  15. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    You really could've just posted part 1 and trusted people to be able to find parts 2-13. Also watching hard boiled on youtube is a crime.
  16. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    I wasn't asked to list movies I thought were the greatest of all time. I was asked to list my favorite movies. Riki-Oh is certainly not on par with a lot of those, but I've seen it tons of times and it never gets old for me. There are quite a few examples on the list where I chose one of a...
  17. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    I agree with you completely, which is why I added that the good ones are probably difficult to find. I think hollywood has declined overall, there's some good stuff yes, but a lot of the stuff people are proclaiming as great (Dark Knight for example) is only great in comparison to the utter...
  18. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Gonna be difficult to keep it short but here are some of the big ones... Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa) Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick) Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone) Lunacy (Jan Svankmajer) Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Werner Herzog) La Roue (Abel Gance) Le Brasier Ardent...
  19. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    I suppose if we're talking only recent film releases probably true. (Or more likely the really good stuff is still difficult to find). But overall I'd say I get to watch a mind-blowingly awesome film several times a week if not several times a day. There's a shit ton out there and catching...
  20. NinjaGeek

    The Official Movie Thread

    Lies, you're just not looking hard enough.