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  1. D


    aug 10 is the saturday..that's today there was gig on jump.....shit luck with the system... aug 11 ..tomorrow... waiting for it..yeah
  2. D


    no i don't cos i didn't go to that gig ! but here's what i heard...(it might not be true..or might be fucking true) Ugrakarma sucked re... but another said Ugrakarma shud never had performed... but some said they kicked ass.. some said they were hillarious switching between instruments and...
  3. D


    come up with some original "powermetal" then
  4. D


    ashesh is the jimi hendrix of nepal...
  5. D


    hey man..can't seem to find ur email address .. i woulda forward his mail... may be air mail i guess... he's got tons of cds and mp3s... gig is in T.C with your un-favorite bands... X-Mantra, ALbatross, Ashesh Nekhvam, Fifth Grade Dropout and Ozzobozo and two of our college bands... starts...
  6. D


    hey parimal i got one mail saying he has a huge collections of metal cds...thought that guy was from ktm around..turned out he's from bombay..anyway i will forward you the mail.... i am just hoping won't's raining heavily rite now... we have organised one gig...
  7. D


    Hey guys it's true that choices vary and opinions are always different. well let's keep that thing aside. i am a huge sepultura fan..their early works are just great..the new sepultura is also just 'ok'...but just wish they had never changed... some of the slayer albums are also masterpieces...
  8. D


    Hi, thanks man for letting me know about these bands...i will try getting hold of their cds or mp3s if any... and shitnot??? wait a min... i like this band...why do "metaller" have to act such stupid... relax...if u don't like any band it;s ok but don't go out and start slandering... i...
  9. D


    """also, i'd like to bring upon an *issue* here. many nepalis don't even posses the slightest idea about the heck metal is. ok, sure they have metal products like spoon and forks... but when it comes to music... they're a blank page torn out from a blank book. One even said to me Xmantra is a...
  10. D


    SlipKnot SlipKnot SlipKnot SlipKnot SlipKnot SlipKnot
  11. D


    and not much into european metal.... i found gamma ray just 'ok' thesedays i am heavily into nu-metal and grindcore... and if you like those shits..check out order by chaos and t.h.r.o.n (russian band) peace.
  12. D


    hey parimal, well no..x-mantra is not a deathmetal band... whoever said that must be out of his mind... but surely they do have some element of death... if you have listened to their album then you will figure out... they are at least trying to do it... esp with their lyrics..which is so...
  13. D


    Hey u really consider Cobweb as a metal band? I have heard their whole 5 albums and one song off their coming soon 6th album..but i really don't think they are metal... good old blues rock in the vain of CCR Deep Purple and sometimes real ripoff of acdc... also heard some of Gamma...
  14. D


    hi parimal, i am trying hard to upload mp3s but thesedays my connection is really shitty...and yeah searching for some free spaces for mp3s... hey anyone..if you know any such place where we can dump mp3s please let me know.. i am trying to upload mp3s of nastik's demo, guygory and more of...
  15. D


    hmm... xmantra didn't come up to xpectation..that's right...but anyway i am looking forward to their next performance... thesedays i am really happy about refused 13's improvement guys are making originals after originals and all of them fucking rulz.... hope maya come out with some good...
  16. D


    Hi everyone, there is really something happening in Nepal thesedays.... I am the webmaster of and yeah i can sure say that something is happening... Refused 13 is gonna be a huge death-nu-metal Ugrakarma is there as ever Maya is just recording some stuffs Xmantra just...